Saturday, January 21, 2012

Hanging Out Before Texas

This is me just hanging out at home before the choir goes to Texas.

Clearly I am being super productive.

It's been a crazy past few weeks. Since January started I have:

  • Done yoga many many mornings
  • Learned many many new pieces for choir tour.
  • Memorized many of these new pieces for choir tour (more or less)
  • Lost a friend.
  • Spent time with new friends.
  • Been cooped up inside my house with Harmony and Jon because of a big snow/ice storm that blew through. For two days straight.
  • Watched all of the Miyazaki movies in our house.
  • Watched The Neverending Story for the first time in a long time.
  • Spent more time in the living room than I have since I moved in a year and a half ago.
  • Played in the snow.
  • Worn my slippers to choir rehearsal.
  • Become obsessed with Tumblr.
  • Consumed an obscene amount of waffles.
My January has been so fun and I love it. This is what being in college is about. The random and ridiculous things that happen to you. I couldn't be happier. And on Wednesday I leave for Texas with my choir, who I am so glad and proud to be a part of. It's amazing what we have done over the past few weeks and I cannot wait to show it off when we are in Texas. It's going to be so much fun! I'm sure I will have many many things to tell you when I get back.

Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34

Monday, January 16, 2012

J-Term Nonsense

1.      Five ways to win your heart.
a.       Hug me.
b.      Make me laugh
c.       Be willing to meet all of my friends.
d.      Understand that I am not a super active person and that I like sitting around watching movies.
e.       Talk to me and understand what is going on with my life.
2.      Something you feel strongly about.
a.       Music. Music is my entire life and it is having a hard time staying in the schools. It’s something that I am going to have to fight for my entire life as a music educator but I am ok with that.
3.      A book you love.
a.       Just one? This is super hard. I love lots of books but I think the one that has spoken to me the most is Eat, Pray, Love by Liz Gilbert.
4.      Bullet your whole day.
a.       Woke up
b.      Played Word Search on my phone while waiting for Megan and Anna to wake up.
c.       Did an hour of yoga with Megan and Anna.
d.      Ate an English muffin with peanut butter and apricot jelly.
e.       Watched A Very Potter Musical
f.        Ate bowtie pasta with yummy sauce.
g.       Watched more of A Very Potter Musical.
h.      Drove home.
i.        Watched the end of A Very Potter Musical.
j.        Watched some Fullmetal Alchemist
k.      Cleaned the bathroom
l.        Painted my toenails.
m.    Made eggs, potatoes and spinach for dinner.
n.      Worked on choir music
o.      Watched more Fullmetal Alchemist
p.      Went to bed early so I could get up and do more yoga.
5.      Things you want to say to an ex.
a.       Why did you ask to go ice skating?
b.      Why were you going to go even though I said no?
c.       Did you want to break up with me?
d.      If we had kept dating would you have tried to pressure me into having sex?
e.       I’m not sorry I dumped you.
6.      Your views on mainstream music
a.       I’m not a hipster by any means. I do like some mainstreamed music. If I like the beat I probably like it. As I’ve said before I love music and it’s my life so I’m not that picky about music. I just don’t like country music.
7.      Five pet peeves.
a.       Lying
b.      People spoiling movies when I don’t ask for it.
c.       People “shushing” me when there is no need for me to be quiet.
d.      Not getting a response to an email or text that requires one.
e.       A broken or rough edged nail
8.      What you ate today.
a.       English muffin with peanut butter and apricot jam
b.      Bowtie pasta with homemade sauce
c.       Eggs with potato and spinach
9.      How important you think education is.
a.       As a future educator education is very important to me. Especially early education. That’s when everything important is taught and every child should get that. In the same way. I could go on forever but I won’t.
10.  Put your music player on shuffle and write the first ten songs that come up.
a.       I Put a Spell on You – Creedence Clearwater Revival
b.      Something More – Switchfoot
c.       If Ever I Would Leave You – Robert Goulet, Camelot Soundtrack
d.      Schlof Main Kind – San Francisco Girls Chorus
e.       Marble Halls – Enya
f.        All I Care About – Richard Gere, Chicago Soundtrack
g.       You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown – Ensemble, Y.A.G.M.C.B Soundtrack
h.      Red Indian Girl – B*Witched
i.        The Wizard and I – Idina Menzel, Wicked Soundtrack
j.        Clarity – John Mayer
11.  Your family.
a.       My mom: Kathye, my best friend
b.      My dad: Kevin, my argument buddy
c.       My cats: Spork and Princess, my fuzzy siblings.
12.  Five guys whom you find attractive.
a.       Ryan Reynolds
b.      Zachary Levi
c.       Gerard Butler
d.      Kellan Lutz
e.       Sam Worthington
13.  Your opinion about your body and how comfortable you are with it.
a.       My body could use improvement. I’m not completely comfortable with it and I want to change it. I’m getting there slowly. I love that I am curvy and I love the idea of what my body could be like. I am slowly starting to think of myself as attractive and beautiful, but it’s a process. 
14.  What you wore today.
a.       Yoga pants
b.      Sweatpants over those
c.       Sports Bra
d.      Je t’amie Tank
e.       PLU sweatshirts
f.        Moccasins
15.  Your zodiac/horoscope and if you think it fits your personality.
a.       I’m a Scorpio: Loyal, passionate, resourceful, observant, dynamic, jealous, obsessive, suspicious, manipulative, unyielding. Fiercely independent. Won’t give up. Friendships can be complicated. All about intensity and contradictions. More than meets the eye.
b.      I generally agree with the “characteristics” of a Scorpio. I’m very dramatic and full of flair. I am super loyal and I can be very jealous. It happens. Other people could tell you better if I fit the Scorpio ideal.
16.  Something you always think “what if” about.
a.       What if I had never moved away from Kansas.
17.  Something that you’re proud of.
a.       My passion for singing.
18.  A problem that you have had.
a.       With eating and being active.
19.  Five items you lust after.
a.       A nice camera
b.      A new computer
c.       Movies
d.      A body that I will love
e.       A boyfriend.
20.  Your fears.
a.       Snakes
b.      Dying alone
c.       Car Wrecks
d.      The dark.
21.  How you hope your future will be like.
a.       Happy. Teaching, a husband who loves me, several children.
22.  Your academics.
a.       I’m in college currently. I will probably go to grad school at some point.
23.  Something that you miss.
a.       Having a boyfriend. Someone to hold hands with. Someone who will always hug you. Someone who will say hi to you when no one will.
24.  Five words/phrases that make you laugh.
b.      PIVOT!
c.       It’s an ancient Mexican Symbol meaning “wasted”.
d.      I just like smiling. Smiling’s my favorite.
e.       I knew you were likely to take a wife!
25.  Something you’re currently worrying about.
a.       Getting my choir music memorized.
26.  Things you like and dislike about yourself.
a.       I love my hair.
b.      I don’t love my body.
c.       I love my eyes.
d.      I don’t love that I can’t reach an octave on the piano.
e.       I love that I can sing and sing well.
f.        I don’t love that I can’t move my body as well as I should be able to.
27.  A quote you try and live by.
a.       Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about getting out there and dancing in the rain.
b.      Sit down, shut up, and enjoy the ride.
28.  Somewhere you’d like to move to or visit.
a.       Greece. I want to go there so bad.
29.  Five weird things that you like.
a.       Anime
b.      Nutella on Saltines
c.       Hamburger meat in my mac and cheese
d.      Sleeping on top of my comforter but under a blanket and a quilt.
e.       Chicken nuggets dipped in milkshakes
30.  One thing you’re excited for.
a.       TEXAS! CHOIR TOUR 2012!

Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Today I finally caught up on all How I Met Your Mother episodes. It's so funny and heartwarming. If you don't watch it, you really should. It's so great. Seasons one through six are on Netflix and I caught up on season seven through various other means. Now I can watch it in real time. 

Anyway. After being a huge fan of Friends for so many years and now being a huge fan of HIMYM, it made me realize that part of the reason that these shows appeal to me so much is that I want to live in a situation like all of these wonderful people. I want to live in New York City (the greatest city in the world, what up!) with my best friends and make new friends and have all of these hilarious experiences and at the same time really find myself and have meaningful experiences too. I want that.

And I know it may be an unrealistic expectation blah blah blah, but it's something that I could do. It wouldn't be entirely unreasonable to do so. I'll have nothing to lose after graduation. I'm supposed to go out and teach for a few years anyway. I could move to New York with a couple of my friends and we could try and find teaching jobs in the New York area. It's a big place with lots of opportunities. 

Just something I've been thinking about. Hah.

So all of this lead to me creating the following picture. I also posted it on my Tumblr account. And I'm quite happy with it actually.

Told you I'd still be around.

Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Online Shopping

It's 8:24 am.

I woke up twenty four minutes ago.

And I already purchased a new shirt online.

I've been seeing it for weeks now in Nordstrom's ads. And I thought it was really cute. It's gotten great reviews blah blah blah.

And I've seen it go down in price considerably over these past few weeks.

So I only have a mild sense of guilt. :)

Now I should probably finish getting ready for choir. I do have an hour though.....

Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34

Monday, January 2, 2012

The New Year

I gotta say....

It's weird not having to post stuff anymore. :)

It's nice to have a break though and not feel worried if I don't get anything done!

Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34

Sunday, January 1, 2012

One Whole Year

364 & 365

Well. It's been a whole year. I actually can't believe that I actually did it! I made it through the whole year! Pictures everyday! (Well....almost everyday. :D)

So here are the pictures from New Years!

On the 30th I went to spend the day with my best friend Maurine. And we went with her mom to get our nails done! And then we went to Olive Garden and ate until we almost exploded! It was amazing. :)

Then Maurine and I headed up to Megan's for our Second Annual Girls Night Out for New Years Eve!

Starting to get ready! Aren't we the hottest?

I have another picture very similar to this from last year!

Megan putting her mascara on!

 Me putting my mascara on!

Me and my BEAUTIFUL friends!!!!

Hot Maurine!! :D

Gawgeous Megan!

Me in my new party dress!

In the car on the way to Seattle!

After dinner at The Cheesecake Factory (where we ran into a friend of ours from school) we went to our favorite bar Tini Biggs and the bar next door Hula Hula. We did some karaoke too! I sang "Like a Prayer" by Madonna, Megan sang "Born This Way" by Lady GaGa, and Maurine sang "Why Haven't I Heard From You" by Reba! It was Megan and Maurine's first time doing karaoke and they had SO MUCH FUN! :D We had yummy drinks and saw LOTS of fun people!

At around 11:30 we went to our car which was parked at the top of a parking garage so we could relax a little before we watched the fireworks at the Space Needle. We took our traditional picture before the fireworks! The fireworks were great this year. I'll post those pictures another day.

After fighting the horrendous New Years traffic and getting lost in Ballard we finally made it back to Megan's house to eat food and have some drinks!

Our spread!

The bar! (We didn't even make a dent in the drinks. No worries.)

All in all it was a really fun evening and I am so glad we got to do this again! We'll probably do it next year too and hopefully for many years after that!

I would like to say thank you to Megan and Maurine for being the only ones who consistently read my blog this year. I will continue with this blog as well as my Tumblr. I don't know what will happen here but I do like blogging so I will continue here! :)

Have a happy and wonderful new year and I'll see you around!

Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
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