Today is Kameron Jacobs Day. I met this kid at the beginning of the year this year. We really started to get to know each other in November when we went to Spokane for the AOSA conference. I told him a bad joke and he laughed for about a day and a half. We were buds from that point on. He's one of the sweetest guys I know. I'm glad we're friends.
1. Full Name: Kameron Jacobs
2. Nickname: KamJam
3. Age: 19
4. Favorite Color: Crimson Red
5. Where were you born?: University of Washington Medical Center
6. One guilty pleasure: Lady Gaga
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others: I tend to talk to myself
8. Something you are terrified of: Messing up onstage
9. What is your bedtime routine?: No such thing. I go to bed when my homework tells me to
10. What is your strangest talent?: Dirty Dancing on the dance floor
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: Yell “For Sparta!” and make a mad dash for it!
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: yesterday. Ahem.
13. Which shoe do you put on first?: Left
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: Yes
15. Favorite kind of pizza: Meat lovers
16. Do you wear a watch?: Nope. Not a geek.
17. What were you doing last week at this time?: Watching Glee. Again, not a geek.
18. Do you collect anything?: Music
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it: My brother
20. Scrunch or fold: Fold. OCD.
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: I am wearing all black. My secret power is the ability to manipulate metals (like Magneto). And my transformation process is morphing from a Kameron Jacobs in college at PLU to a Kameron Jacobs in all black who has magnetic powers.
22. Your favorite time of day: About 3pm
23. Beach or Forest: Beach. California Gurls.
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: Never. Knock on wood.
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: Modern Family for the TV show. Best show ever! …And if it were a movie I would have to say X-Men. Again, not a geek.
26. Do you doodle during class?: yes!
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: All of them.
28. How do you eat your cookies?: They must be soft and chewy.
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: Italy <3
30. You are New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan?: A gospel choir. No person could take their focus off of a gospel choir.
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?: yes
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?: twice. Both landed me in the ER.
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock?: religiously.
34. What is your best friends Mom’s name?: Jennifer
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: yes!
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: Yes
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: Chicken and Bacon Ranch from Subway
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: Ruben and Black and Gold coffee
39. Innie or Outie?: Innie
40. Google or Yahoo: Google. Duh.
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
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