This is my Happy Tired Face.

This is what I look like after getting up at 6:15 to get ready for work, working for four hours, reading Aristotle and then going to the NOMT dance audition.
Now I have very little dance experience. I managed to make it through Urinetown and Peter Pan in high school by working so hard and paying super close attention, and the other two shows I've been in (Les Miserables and Sweeney Todd) aren't really dance musicals. So I felt a little out of my element here.
I was just doing my best and having fun though. And it really was. There were several people I know/am familiar with so it wasn't like I didn't have anyone to talk to in our random break times. And I worked my ass off. I tried so hard and I honestly felt like I was doing a really good job for the amount of dance experience I have. I was just trying to remember to put character into the dances as well as the choreography that we'd learned about ten minutes before hand.
So for auditions there's about two and a half hours of everyone doing basic dances. We did a number to a Lion King song, a partner dance to a song from Guys and Dolls and then a hip hop/salsa-y number from In The Heights. So after the everyone part, they call out a few certain people to stay after and do some harder choreography. I wasn't expecting much and the "secondary callback" doesn't really have anything to do with the final casting results. So I was really surprised when I was asked to stay! I was a little worried but then I decided to just have an obscene amount of fun.
The choreography we did was the first woman's confession in The Cellblock Tango from the show Chicago! Like, actual choreography from the movie. IT WAS SO GREAT!
Watch 1:36 - 2:35 to see what I DID! WHAT I DANCED! AND I ACTUALLY DID IT TOO!
As you can tell I am very please with myself!
Kelsey Page
Did I Go To The Gym Today?: Didn't need too. I danced my butt off for FOUR HOURS!
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
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