While I was writing this, the song "Kelsey" by Metro Station came on my shuffle. I found it appropriate!
First of all, I would like to give a BIG HUGE shoutout of thanks to every single person who filled out a survey for me. I appreciate it so much and this was SUPER fun! I loved reading everyones answers and I hope you had fun filling them out and seeing yourself featured here.
So. Without further ado, I will solve the mystery of the "Fold or Scrunch" question. The full question would read, "Do you fold or scrunch your toilet paper?" I assumed that people knew what that meant. My friends and I had great debates over which was the preferred method in high school. It was quite a battle we had one day. If you wish to answer the question properly, feel free to drop a comment informing us. If not, that's ok too!
So I already posted the blog of my answers to my questionnaire. If you missed it you can find it here:
Below are the questions that YOU asked ME! If you feel that your answer is unsatisfactory, or that your question did not make it on to the list for some reason, OR you just want to ask me another question, feel free to send me a message and I will answer it for you! The questions are anonymous because that's just what I wanted to do!
1. Have you ever sent anything to PostSecret? I have not. I want to though. I have a couple ideas written out. I just have to make the post card.
2. If you could be an animal what would it be and why? I guess I would be a cat. They always seem pretty happy. Curling up in the sunshine or on a warm lap and just purring would make me happy.
3. What is your favorite song lyric? Oh wow...I think it depends on the day and the song that is stuck in my head. Like right now it’s “My mama told me when I was young/we are all born superstars.” The other day it was “Pretty pretty please/Don’t you ever ever feel/That you’re nothing/You are perfect.”
4. Would you rather be stuck on a plane with snakes or with loud and crazy monkeys?? God forbid I would ever be on a plane with snakes. Snakes terrify me. They give me the heebie-jeebies. I can handle the monkeys.
5. Something (share-able) you feel guilty about, but definitely don’t regret: I think it would be a moment when I lied. I was a chronic liar when I was younger.
6. Of all of the books ever written, which one do you wish you had come up with? Oh man. This is a hard one. I think Inkheart. I love writing and reading fantasy and I could have come up with Inkheart!
7. What is the best adventure you've ever been on? I have been on a lot of adventures. And most of them have been incredibly fun because I was with people that I loved dearly. I think most of what makes an adventure amazing is the people that you are with.
8. Miss Kelsey Girl: If you had to tattoo someone’s name on your arm, whose would it be? I dunno. I don’t think I would get a tattoo, let alone tattoo someone’s name on my arm. But I feel like I would be the person who got absolutely smashed for once in my life and then went to go get a tattoo of my boyfriend’s name. That would be the one stupid thing I would do in my life that I would absolutely regret forever.
9. Would you rather Kick a puppy or make a Child cry? Why? Honestly, I wouldn’t want to do either. Ever. But since the person who asked this will probably force me to answer, I would have to say make a child cry, if it was an accident. That way I can comfort him/her. I could pull them into my lap and snuggle them and make them feel better.
10. What is the most ridiculous pet name for a significant other you can think of? Snoogy-Woogy. I don’t know. Don’t judge.
11. Imagine yourself riding on a hippo. Where are you? Why are you riding a hippo? Is there anyone with you? ;) I am on an adventure in New York City. I am riding a hippo because it escaped from the zoo and I am riding it back to the zoo with someone who means a lot to me.
12. If you could have any job in the universe what would it be? Well…I guess I would really like to be an author and have books published. That way I would be forced to write down all of the stories that I have floating around in my head. Which would in turn make room for more. If you ever want to look at something I’ve written, lemme know!
13. If you were to write a book about your life, what period of time in your life would you want to be the most profound? Probably the next portion of my life. After I graduate and really head out into the world on my own. No school, no teachers, no parents. That would make a really good book I think.
14. If you could send this questionnaire to one celebrity and guarantee that they would answer every question truthfully, who would it be and why? Ryan Reynolds. He’s number one on my freebie list and I would want to know these random things about him.
15. If you had to pick one secret about you that everyone would know, what would it be? Oh man. I don’t know. Most people know most things about me. I don’t keep secrets from my really close friends. It helps people understand me better and that’s how I connect with people.
16. What do you think has been the most peaceful moment in your life? Anytime I am out under the stars. I don’t get to do it very often and I love just looking up at them. I have never done it with someone that wasn’t a platonic friend though. If I could plan my first date, I would want to go do that….
17. If you could script one day of your life, how would it play out? With song and dance. Actually…I kinda already live my life with song. I have a song for pretty much anything. And usually I sing the lyrics wrong. So I would just have songs for everyone else to sing and a choreographer would come and help us all dance.
18. Kittens or Puppies…and why? Can I pick both? They’re both so snuggly and sweet and precious.
19. If you found a magic lamp and the Genie said he could grant you any wish for just one day, what would it be? To bring all of my dearest friends together at Disneyland with just us and I would spend a day with all of the people that I love.
20. Why did you come to PLU? It was on a list that I had made for me and when I came up to visit my grandparents for Thanksgiving I came and took a tour. I got to sing with Choir of the West and that was when I knew I was supposed to be here. :)
21. If you could live in any time period in history, when would you live and why? Hmmmm….this is a tricky one. I think the Victorian Era. I have always loved the look of the time and, while women didn’t have a whole lot then, I would have been able to be involved in music and have a family with kids, which are the bare bones of what I want to do now. So if I lived then I would get to do all of that while wearing fun clothes!
22. What was your first impression of me before we became friends? Hmmm…I guess I thought that you were a sweet girl. I don’t really remember. I didn’t know you that well and then suddenly we were friends. :D
23. Who is your favorite historical figure? Man. I don’t know. Why is everyone asking me really hard questions! I love it though. I think Martin Luther King Jr. Every time I hear one of his speeches it just gives me goose bumps.
24. The Zombie Apocalypse is here! Now! RIGHT THE-HELL NOW! What that is in the room with you right now do you grab on to way to the door, and where do you go to seek refuge? I don’t go anywhere. I grab my phone and call everyone and tell them to come to my house because it’s on the second floor and we have food and heat and everything we need to win the war.
Kelsey Page“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
This is Molly. She has been on here before. She cheered me up with Rose's Turn sung by Kurt from Glee. And I love her. And miss her. I don't see her near enough. And that makes me sad. But I still love her. :D We are really weird when we're together.
Also: Molly, I use Yahoo. :P
1. Full Name: Molly Alyssum Swanson. Alyssum is a flower. My daddy is a Fringy [After a beatnik, before a hippie] and very much into nature. My eldest sister’s middle name is Flower, the next sister’s is Rose, and my little brother’s is William- my father’s name BUT there is also a plant named Sweet William. My sister’s children’s middle names are Lilac and Ash [a kind of tree]. The tradition will continue as we all have kids. We already all agreed.
2. Nickname: Molly Polly, Mocha-chick-a-lay [I don’t know, that’s what my dad calls me.] Smally Wanson, and Lady
3. Age: 21
4. Favorite Color: I am currently into Purple
5. Where were you born?: Shelton, Washington YO!
6. One guilty pleasure: Terrible Pop music…
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others: Practice acting out varying show tunes.
8. Something you are terrified of: MOTHS
9. What is your bedtime routine?: Fall over….? Lately, I’ve forgotten to actually wash my face and take out my contacts and just head straight for the mattress.
10. What is your strangest talent?: I can put both my legs behind my head.
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: Ditch the food. I hate Panda Express…
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: Last night, leaving Michael and Alex’s recital.
13. Which shoe do you put on first?: ALWAYS the right.
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: Oh yes. My feet are always cold. Socks are crucial.
15. Favorite kind of pizza: Garlic Chicken
16. Do you wear a watch?: Nah.
17. What were you doing last week at this time?: I was in a voice lesson feeling frustrated with myself at my lack of preparation.
18. Do you collect anything?: Glass jars and bottles. I think they’re pretty and you can use them for anything.
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it: Harstad. I love how old and beautiful it is and I love walking past it onto campus.
20. Scrunch or fold: Huh?
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: Number one: WHY? I am wearing leather pants and a leather coat and kick-ass pointy boots. I have a secret ability to shoot acid out of my heels whenever I kick someone in the face. I do this thing where I pelvic thrust and suddenly, I’m no longer wearing my converse!!!!!
22. Your favorite time of day: NAP TIME
23. Beach or Forest: Forest
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: Two Saturdays ago. I don’t have a muffler… that’s relatively illegal.
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: Parks and Recreation, because Amy Poehler is a genius
26. Do you doodle during class?: Nope, I make lists
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: The right one
28. How do you eat your cookies?: I shove the whole damn thing in my mouth [that’s what she said.]
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: Jerusalem.
30. You are New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan?: Cyanide and Chloroform. I know how to tear it up, yo.
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?: Nope.
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?: … I can’t remember.
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock?: No I just turn the alarm OFF.
34. What is your best friends Mom’s name?: Gwen.
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: YES!!! It was the dream of my life to have a boy write a song about me and for Christmas in 2008, my ex-boyfriend Martin wrote me the most beautiful song called Sweet Alyssum. I cried hysterically through it the first time he played it for me. It’s SOOOOOO cute.
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: Dunes Bible Camp is where it’s AT.
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: Turkey, Ranch and Swiss toasted from Quizno’s
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: Pepsi and Kit Kat bars
39. Innie or Outie?: Innie
40. Google or Yahoo: Google!!! Yahoo is for MORONS.
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
This is Molly. She has been on here before. She cheered me up with Rose's Turn sung by Kurt from Glee. And I love her. And miss her. I don't see her near enough. And that makes me sad. But I still love her. :D We are really weird when we're together.
Also: Molly, I use Yahoo. :P
1. Full Name: Molly Alyssum Swanson. Alyssum is a flower. My daddy is a Fringy [After a beatnik, before a hippie] and very much into nature. My eldest sister’s middle name is Flower, the next sister’s is Rose, and my little brother’s is William- my father’s name BUT there is also a plant named Sweet William. My sister’s children’s middle names are Lilac and Ash [a kind of tree]. The tradition will continue as we all have kids. We already all agreed.
2. Nickname: Molly Polly, Mocha-chick-a-lay [I don’t know, that’s what my dad calls me.] Smally Wanson, and Lady
3. Age: 21
4. Favorite Color: I am currently into Purple
5. Where were you born?: Shelton, Washington YO!
6. One guilty pleasure: Terrible Pop music…
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others: Practice acting out varying show tunes.
8. Something you are terrified of: MOTHS
9. What is your bedtime routine?: Fall over….? Lately, I’ve forgotten to actually wash my face and take out my contacts and just head straight for the mattress.
10. What is your strangest talent?: I can put both my legs behind my head.
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: Ditch the food. I hate Panda Express…
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: Last night, leaving Michael and Alex’s recital.
13. Which shoe do you put on first?: ALWAYS the right.
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: Oh yes. My feet are always cold. Socks are crucial.
15. Favorite kind of pizza: Garlic Chicken
16. Do you wear a watch?: Nah.
17. What were you doing last week at this time?: I was in a voice lesson feeling frustrated with myself at my lack of preparation.
18. Do you collect anything?: Glass jars and bottles. I think they’re pretty and you can use them for anything.
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it: Harstad. I love how old and beautiful it is and I love walking past it onto campus.
20. Scrunch or fold: Huh?
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: Number one: WHY? I am wearing leather pants and a leather coat and kick-ass pointy boots. I have a secret ability to shoot acid out of my heels whenever I kick someone in the face. I do this thing where I pelvic thrust and suddenly, I’m no longer wearing my converse!!!!!
22. Your favorite time of day: NAP TIME
23. Beach or Forest: Forest
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: Two Saturdays ago. I don’t have a muffler… that’s relatively illegal.
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: Parks and Recreation, because Amy Poehler is a genius
26. Do you doodle during class?: Nope, I make lists
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: The right one
28. How do you eat your cookies?: I shove the whole damn thing in my mouth [that’s what she said.]
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: Jerusalem.
30. You are New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan?: Cyanide and Chloroform. I know how to tear it up, yo.
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?: Nope.
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?: … I can’t remember.
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock?: No I just turn the alarm OFF.
34. What is your best friends Mom’s name?: Gwen.
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: YES!!! It was the dream of my life to have a boy write a song about me and for Christmas in 2008, my ex-boyfriend Martin wrote me the most beautiful song called Sweet Alyssum. I cried hysterically through it the first time he played it for me. It’s SOOOOOO cute.
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: Dunes Bible Camp is where it’s AT.
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: Turkey, Ranch and Swiss toasted from Quizno’s
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: Pepsi and Kit Kat bars
39. Innie or Outie?: Innie
40. Google or Yahoo: Google!!! Yahoo is for MORONS.
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
So this is Julia. She is gonna be my new roommate next year. And I am so excited. We are going to have a "Food, Booze and Girls Night." Just me, her, Harmony and Hope. Maybe other girls. Not sure yet. And it's gonna be awesome.
Also. Girl. Your question is answered a couple posts ago. :D
1. Full Name: Julia Maxine Broome-Robinson
2. Nickname: Juju, Mop.
3. Age: 22 in a few weeks.
4. Favorite Color: blue or green
5. Where were you born?: Federal Way, WA
6. One guilty pleasure: …. Miley Cyrus. I’m sorry.
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others: Listen to “Who Owns My Heart” over and over.
8. Something you are terrified of:
9. What is your bedtime routine?: Get in bed, planning to go to sleep within the next few minutes. Pull out laptop. Facebook. Tumblr. Realize it’s been an hour and a half. Facebook again. Sleep.
10. What is your strangest talent?: Penis drawing.
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: Use my telekinetic powers to throw them into the nearest wall. Stunned, they will be momentarily incapacitated, giving me time to make my escape.
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: I’m more of an air drummer, actually. And I definitely do it almost every day on my commute to/from school.
13. Which shoe do you put on first?: I think it depends on the shoes. Right, most of the time.
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: Nope.
15. Favorite kind of pizza: It varies, but I love weird toppings like blue cheese and spinach. Basically any pizza with added blue cheese is my kind of pizza.
16. Do you wear a watch?: Nope.
17. What were you doing last week at this time?: I actually have no idea. Probably something very similar to what I do most nights… See question 9.
18. Do you collect anything?: Starbucks Christmas cups and obscure Muse recordings.
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it: Contrabass clarinet.
20. Scrunch or fold: Scrunch. Always.
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: Nothing. Infinite sexual attractiveness to all. I can transform at any time by removing all clothing.
22. Your favorite time of day: Early evening, if it’s a magical day and I have nothing to do. On a realistic day, my favorite time is the time when I get to go to sleep.
23. Beach or Forest: Beach. Preferably in Oregon.
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: In Parkland several months ago for having expired tabs.
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: Criminal Minds, because it’s awesome. I can’t decide if I’d want to be a psycho unsub or Dr. Reid’s secret lover.
26. Do you doodle during class?: Not very often, actually.
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: Both! BAHAHA.
28. How do you eat your cookies?: Raw.
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: England.
30. You are New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan?: A machete, to slice off Michael Kors’ fat head. Then I’d bring in Christopher Bailey to redesign the entire collection.
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?: Nope.
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?: I don’t think so…
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock?: Yes.
34. What is your best friends Mom’s name?: I have several best friends, and I actually don’t know very many of their moms’ names.
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: Not that I know of.
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: Nope.
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: Something involving sourdough, blue cheese, and avocado. Also bacon, also.
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: Coconut water, when they have it.
39. Innie or Outie?: Innie.
40. Google or Yahoo: Google. Or bing, if I’m feeling adventurous.
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
So this is Julia. She is gonna be my new roommate next year. And I am so excited. We are going to have a "Food, Booze and Girls Night." Just me, her, Harmony and Hope. Maybe other girls. Not sure yet. And it's gonna be awesome.
Also. Girl. Your question is answered a couple posts ago. :D
1. Full Name: Julia Maxine Broome-Robinson
2. Nickname: Juju, Mop.
3. Age: 22 in a few weeks.
4. Favorite Color: blue or green
5. Where were you born?: Federal Way, WA
6. One guilty pleasure: …. Miley Cyrus. I’m sorry.
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others: Listen to “Who Owns My Heart” over and over.
8. Something you are terrified of:
9. What is your bedtime routine?: Get in bed, planning to go to sleep within the next few minutes. Pull out laptop. Facebook. Tumblr. Realize it’s been an hour and a half. Facebook again. Sleep.
10. What is your strangest talent?: Penis drawing.
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: Use my telekinetic powers to throw them into the nearest wall. Stunned, they will be momentarily incapacitated, giving me time to make my escape.
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: I’m more of an air drummer, actually. And I definitely do it almost every day on my commute to/from school.
13. Which shoe do you put on first?: I think it depends on the shoes. Right, most of the time.
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: Nope.
15. Favorite kind of pizza: It varies, but I love weird toppings like blue cheese and spinach. Basically any pizza with added blue cheese is my kind of pizza.
16. Do you wear a watch?: Nope.
17. What were you doing last week at this time?: I actually have no idea. Probably something very similar to what I do most nights… See question 9.
18. Do you collect anything?: Starbucks Christmas cups and obscure Muse recordings.
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it: Contrabass clarinet.
20. Scrunch or fold: Scrunch. Always.
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: Nothing. Infinite sexual attractiveness to all. I can transform at any time by removing all clothing.
22. Your favorite time of day: Early evening, if it’s a magical day and I have nothing to do. On a realistic day, my favorite time is the time when I get to go to sleep.
23. Beach or Forest: Beach. Preferably in Oregon.
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: In Parkland several months ago for having expired tabs.
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: Criminal Minds, because it’s awesome. I can’t decide if I’d want to be a psycho unsub or Dr. Reid’s secret lover.
26. Do you doodle during class?: Not very often, actually.
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: Both! BAHAHA.
28. How do you eat your cookies?: Raw.
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: England.
30. You are New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan?: A machete, to slice off Michael Kors’ fat head. Then I’d bring in Christopher Bailey to redesign the entire collection.
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?: Nope.
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?: I don’t think so…
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock?: Yes.
34. What is your best friends Mom’s name?: I have several best friends, and I actually don’t know very many of their moms’ names.
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: Not that I know of.
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: Nope.
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: Something involving sourdough, blue cheese, and avocado. Also bacon, also.
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: Coconut water, when they have it.
39. Innie or Outie?: Innie.
40. Google or Yahoo: Google. Or bing, if I’m feeling adventurous.
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
Monday, March 28, 2011
Today is Benjamin Day! He and I didn't get off to the best start this year, but all of a sudden a few weeks ago he started "picking on me." Randomly one day he asked me if I had a little brother. I told him no (as a reflex. I have other boys I call my brothers.) And then he said "You do now!" So Benjamin is my new little brother. Except he is my big little brother. He's like...six feet tall. He is a giant. :) He's a really sweet guy, other than the fact that he thinks it's ok to throw rocks at me.
1. Full Name: Benjamin Ross Sonnenberg
2. Nickname: BS, Benji, Benjammin
3. Age: 19
4. Favorite Color: Purple
5. Where were you born?: Billings, Montana
6. One guilty pleasure: Chocolate enough said
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others: Eat more chocolate
8. Something you are terrified of: Women
9. What is your bedtime routine?: Stumble into my room, take my shirt off and collapse
10. What is your strangest talent?: I am amazing foosball player
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: I would run and climb a building
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: yesterday
13. Which shoe do you put on first?: Whichever looks the saddest
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: nope
15. Favorite kind of pizza: I treat all pizza equally
16. Do you wear a watch?: Nope
17. What were you doing last week at this time?: Studying
18. Do you collect anything?: skis
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it: a mountain covered in snow
20. Scrunch or fold: fold
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: I am wearing 70s clothing, my power is that I can fly and my transformation involves me singing something by the Gibb brothers while growing wings.
22. Your favorite time of day: when i am sleeping whenever that may be
23. Beach or Forest: forest
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: last prom
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: shooter, because he is a sniper
26. Do you doodle during class?: yes but mostly on other’s notes
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: the girl beside me
28. How do you eat your cookies?: depends on if there is a cow nearby
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: Tanzania
30. You are New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan?: I would need diesel fuel and matches to burn the fashion industry to the ground because of its awful effects on society
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?: yes
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?: of course
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock?: its worn out
34. What is your best friends Mom’s name?: Lisa
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: nope
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: sometimes
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: roast beef, cheddar cheese, sourdough bread and a hint of mustard.
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: ice cream
39. Innie or Outie?: Innie
40. Google or Yahoo? google
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
Today is Benjamin Day! He and I didn't get off to the best start this year, but all of a sudden a few weeks ago he started "picking on me." Randomly one day he asked me if I had a little brother. I told him no (as a reflex. I have other boys I call my brothers.) And then he said "You do now!" So Benjamin is my new little brother. Except he is my big little brother. He's like...six feet tall. He is a giant. :) He's a really sweet guy, other than the fact that he thinks it's ok to throw rocks at me.
1. Full Name: Benjamin Ross Sonnenberg
2. Nickname: BS, Benji, Benjammin
3. Age: 19
4. Favorite Color: Purple
5. Where were you born?: Billings, Montana
6. One guilty pleasure: Chocolate enough said
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others: Eat more chocolate
8. Something you are terrified of: Women
9. What is your bedtime routine?: Stumble into my room, take my shirt off and collapse
10. What is your strangest talent?: I am amazing foosball player
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: I would run and climb a building
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: yesterday
13. Which shoe do you put on first?: Whichever looks the saddest
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: nope
15. Favorite kind of pizza: I treat all pizza equally
16. Do you wear a watch?: Nope
17. What were you doing last week at this time?: Studying
18. Do you collect anything?: skis
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it: a mountain covered in snow
20. Scrunch or fold: fold
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: I am wearing 70s clothing, my power is that I can fly and my transformation involves me singing something by the Gibb brothers while growing wings.
22. Your favorite time of day: when i am sleeping whenever that may be
23. Beach or Forest: forest
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: last prom
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: shooter, because he is a sniper
26. Do you doodle during class?: yes but mostly on other’s notes
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: the girl beside me
28. How do you eat your cookies?: depends on if there is a cow nearby
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: Tanzania
30. You are New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan?: I would need diesel fuel and matches to burn the fashion industry to the ground because of its awful effects on society
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?: yes
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?: of course
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock?: its worn out
34. What is your best friends Mom’s name?: Lisa
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: nope
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: sometimes
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: roast beef, cheddar cheese, sourdough bread and a hint of mustard.
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: ice cream
39. Innie or Outie?: Innie
40. Google or Yahoo? google
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
Sunday, March 27, 2011
My Questionnaire
Because I didn't have another friend questionnaire for today, I decided to post the questionnaire with MY answers today. I hope that you enjoy my answers.
This is a picture of me as an infant in Germany!
1. Full Name: Kelsey Page Hamm
2. Nickname: Scrapes, Scarpes, Kels
3. Age: 21
4. Favorite Color: Green
5. Where were you born?: Stuttgart Germany
6. One guilty pleasure: Trashy Magazines
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others: Write stories
8. Something you are terrified of: Snakes
9. What is your bedtime routine?: Set my alarm, take my contacts out, take a shower, hair gel, brush my teeth, turn on my fan, read a chapter of a book.
10. What is your strangest talent?: I can talk in an Indian Accent
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: Grab the nearest tray of Orange Chicken, wait until they are close enough and then throw the artificial spicy meat in their faces. While they thrash in pain I will summon my Japanese Dragon and we will fly off into the sky victorious.
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: I honestly don’t know…maybe the last time I was singing along to Journey?
13. Which shoe do you put on first?: The left
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: Yes actually. They’re pink and very dirty.
15. Favorite kind of pizza: Papa John’s Hawaiian Thin Crust
16. Do you wear a watch?: Nope
17. What were you doing last week at this time?: Probably taking a shower. I’m staying up kind of late…
18. Do you collect anything?: Not really…I like pulling pictures out of magazines.
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it: Laughing babies. Or a panel on the first issue of “One Credit Class”
20. Scrunch or fold: Scrunch
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: I am wearing black leggings, a green tunic top with a black vest. I have green knee high boots and a fancy green and black mask. I am famous singer who fights crime when she’s not performing. And my transformation happens when I sing my first single that I have never performed in public. The world goes dark around me and a plethora of rainbow music notes surround me and I transform.
22. Your favorite time of day: If I can get up for it, early morning. I’ve never sat and watched the sunrise, like really sat and watched it without doing anything else, but I really want to.
23. Beach or Forest: Beach
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: I was in Bellevue for a conference and a huge group of us stopped in the mall to eat our Subway sandwiches. We pulled an extra bench over and hung out. Just as we were finishing the rent-a-cops came over and asked us how we moved the bench. It was hilarious.
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: I would have loved to be on Friends. It’s my favorite show and I laugh every time I watch it.
26. Do you doodle during class?: I do. They’re not very good but I do.
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: I generally lean to the right.
28. How do you eat your cookies?: Normal sized bites. If they’re crunchy around the edges I’ll go around and eat the crunchy part first.
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: Greece
30. You are New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan: Vitamins and my Magical Japanese Microphone so I can transform into my Japanese Super Hero.
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?: Yes I have.
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose: When I was little I got a piece of hot dog stuck up my nose. Literally stuck up my nose. And I also have used a tampon to stop a bloody nose while in the car.
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock?: I do. I have it go off twice with five minutes in between.
34. What is your best friends Mom’s name?: Janet, Nancy, Melinda, Cindy, Joan, Gail. Or Mommy. I call a lot of my friend’s mom’s “Mommy” Or Mrs. [Insert Name Here]’s Mommy.
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: Yes. Quite a few by my first boyfriend. I shredded all of them after we broke up.
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: I did! I also worked as a counselor for three summers!
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: A PB&J. It would last longer. No meat or cheese or condiments like mayo to spoil.
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: I really enjoy their hot chocolate…And their Italian Sodas…
39. Innie or Outie?: Innie.
40. Google or Yahoo: I say to Google it, but I use Yahoo.
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
Because I didn't have another friend questionnaire for today, I decided to post the questionnaire with MY answers today. I hope that you enjoy my answers.
This is a picture of me as an infant in Germany!
1. Full Name: Kelsey Page Hamm
2. Nickname: Scrapes, Scarpes, Kels
3. Age: 21
4. Favorite Color: Green
5. Where were you born?: Stuttgart Germany
6. One guilty pleasure: Trashy Magazines
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others: Write stories
8. Something you are terrified of: Snakes
9. What is your bedtime routine?: Set my alarm, take my contacts out, take a shower, hair gel, brush my teeth, turn on my fan, read a chapter of a book.
10. What is your strangest talent?: I can talk in an Indian Accent
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: Grab the nearest tray of Orange Chicken, wait until they are close enough and then throw the artificial spicy meat in their faces. While they thrash in pain I will summon my Japanese Dragon and we will fly off into the sky victorious.
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: I honestly don’t know…maybe the last time I was singing along to Journey?
13. Which shoe do you put on first?: The left
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: Yes actually. They’re pink and very dirty.
15. Favorite kind of pizza: Papa John’s Hawaiian Thin Crust
16. Do you wear a watch?: Nope
17. What were you doing last week at this time?: Probably taking a shower. I’m staying up kind of late…
18. Do you collect anything?: Not really…I like pulling pictures out of magazines.
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it: Laughing babies. Or a panel on the first issue of “One Credit Class”
20. Scrunch or fold: Scrunch
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: I am wearing black leggings, a green tunic top with a black vest. I have green knee high boots and a fancy green and black mask. I am famous singer who fights crime when she’s not performing. And my transformation happens when I sing my first single that I have never performed in public. The world goes dark around me and a plethora of rainbow music notes surround me and I transform.
22. Your favorite time of day: If I can get up for it, early morning. I’ve never sat and watched the sunrise, like really sat and watched it without doing anything else, but I really want to.
23. Beach or Forest: Beach
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: I was in Bellevue for a conference and a huge group of us stopped in the mall to eat our Subway sandwiches. We pulled an extra bench over and hung out. Just as we were finishing the rent-a-cops came over and asked us how we moved the bench. It was hilarious.
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: I would have loved to be on Friends. It’s my favorite show and I laugh every time I watch it.
26. Do you doodle during class?: I do. They’re not very good but I do.
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: I generally lean to the right.
28. How do you eat your cookies?: Normal sized bites. If they’re crunchy around the edges I’ll go around and eat the crunchy part first.
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: Greece
30. You are New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan: Vitamins and my Magical Japanese Microphone so I can transform into my Japanese Super Hero.
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?: Yes I have.
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose: When I was little I got a piece of hot dog stuck up my nose. Literally stuck up my nose. And I also have used a tampon to stop a bloody nose while in the car.
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock?: I do. I have it go off twice with five minutes in between.
34. What is your best friends Mom’s name?: Janet, Nancy, Melinda, Cindy, Joan, Gail. Or Mommy. I call a lot of my friend’s mom’s “Mommy” Or Mrs. [Insert Name Here]’s Mommy.
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: Yes. Quite a few by my first boyfriend. I shredded all of them after we broke up.
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: I did! I also worked as a counselor for three summers!
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: A PB&J. It would last longer. No meat or cheese or condiments like mayo to spoil.
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: I really enjoy their hot chocolate…And their Italian Sodas…
39. Innie or Outie?: Innie.
40. Google or Yahoo: I say to Google it, but I use Yahoo.
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
I have no excuse. I just didn't put this one up yesterday. :P
Anyway. This is the beautiful Kylie! She is another one of my music ed colleagues. She is just adorable, as you can see in the picture, and she is so fun. She is in HERmonic, the women's acappella group here at PLOO which ups her cool factor by ten million. :D
1. Full Name: Kylie Rose Lewinski
2. Nickname: Baby
3. Age: 20
4. Favorite Color: They call me mellow yelllllllllllllllow
5. Where were you born?: A hospital, silly!
6. One guilty pleasure: CUPCAKES! That is a lie, because I do not feel one bit of guilt about it!
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others: Shower!
8. Something you are terrified of: People who are climbin’ in yo windows, snatchin’ yo people up!
9. What is your bedtime routine?: Jammies, teeth, read &pray!
10. What is your strangest talent?: Song parodies haha.
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: Leave Katie as a decoy! hahahha
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: I don’t recall
13. Which shoe do you put on first?: The one I find first
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: Yes, yellow ones!
15. Favorite kind of pizza: Barbeque chicken! Yu-hum!
16. Do you wear a watch?: Nope
17. What were you doing last week at this time?: Getting ditched by a friend for a boy! Hahaaaaaaaaaa.
18. Do you collect anything?: Not really really, but I have started to acquire a plethora of very nice dishes.
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it: This one boy I know…
20. Scrunch or fold: Pile!
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: My lucky sunglasses, I am an animagus (HP!), and I transform into a pigme goat when I kiss my palm.
22. Your favorite time of day: The golden hours!
23. Beach or Forest: The beach
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: NEVER! :D
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: Parks and Recreation so that Leslie Knope and Jerry can be my best friends.
26. Do you doodle during class?: On occasion
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: Depends on who’s on either side of me haha
28. How do you eat your cookies?: Savoringly!
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: Right now? Probably somewhere in Western Europe. New Zealand would also be lovely.
30. You are New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan?: Miranda Priestly’s attitude.
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?: Indeed, I have
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?: Not to my recollection
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock?: Probably every day haha
34. What is your best friends Mom’s name?: Lyndsie
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: I don’t think so
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: Yes
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: Spicy Italian with lots of veggies!
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: Turkey and Cheese Croissant.
39. Innie or Outie?: Innie
40. Google or Yahoo: Google!
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
I have no excuse. I just didn't put this one up yesterday. :P
Anyway. This is the beautiful Kylie! She is another one of my music ed colleagues. She is just adorable, as you can see in the picture, and she is so fun. She is in HERmonic, the women's acappella group here at PLOO which ups her cool factor by ten million. :D
1. Full Name: Kylie Rose Lewinski
2. Nickname: Baby
3. Age: 20
4. Favorite Color: They call me mellow yelllllllllllllllow
5. Where were you born?: A hospital, silly!
6. One guilty pleasure: CUPCAKES! That is a lie, because I do not feel one bit of guilt about it!
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others: Shower!
8. Something you are terrified of: People who are climbin’ in yo windows, snatchin’ yo people up!
9. What is your bedtime routine?: Jammies, teeth, read &pray!
10. What is your strangest talent?: Song parodies haha.
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: Leave Katie as a decoy! hahahha
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: I don’t recall
13. Which shoe do you put on first?: The one I find first
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: Yes, yellow ones!
15. Favorite kind of pizza: Barbeque chicken! Yu-hum!
16. Do you wear a watch?: Nope
17. What were you doing last week at this time?: Getting ditched by a friend for a boy! Hahaaaaaaaaaa.
18. Do you collect anything?: Not really really, but I have started to acquire a plethora of very nice dishes.
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it: This one boy I know…
20. Scrunch or fold: Pile!
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: My lucky sunglasses, I am an animagus (HP!), and I transform into a pigme goat when I kiss my palm.
22. Your favorite time of day: The golden hours!
23. Beach or Forest: The beach
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: NEVER! :D
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: Parks and Recreation so that Leslie Knope and Jerry can be my best friends.
26. Do you doodle during class?: On occasion
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: Depends on who’s on either side of me haha
28. How do you eat your cookies?: Savoringly!
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: Right now? Probably somewhere in Western Europe. New Zealand would also be lovely.
30. You are New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan?: Miranda Priestly’s attitude.
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?: Indeed, I have
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?: Not to my recollection
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock?: Probably every day haha
34. What is your best friends Mom’s name?: Lyndsie
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: I don’t think so
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: Yes
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: Spicy Italian with lots of veggies!
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: Turkey and Cheese Croissant.
39. Innie or Outie?: Innie
40. Google or Yahoo: Google!
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
Friday, March 25, 2011
This chickie and I have been through and will go through alot. We're both Music Education Majors and therefore will always be able to relate to each other. It's just so ridiculous.
1. Full Name: Michelle Cipollone
2. Nickname: Big Onion, Mitch, Shelly,
3. Age: 20
4. Favorite Color: Green
5. Where were you born?: Portland, OR
6. One guilty pleasure: Pop music, and nerdy/dorky dancing.
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others:
8. Something you are terrified of: Spiders
9. What is your bedtime routine?: Grab toiletries, go pee, brush teeth, set alarm, turn off light and get in bed, turn on light because I forgot to take out contacts, re-check alarm, then go to sleep.
10. What is your strangest talent?: Making ridiculous sound effects.
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: Steal Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak to infiltrate the premises, but I trip and one of the guards sees my feet. I then throw the tattered cloak over one guard and use him as a shield so that I can get to the exit. The other guard won’t shoot his friend so I’ll make it through the door, then twirl the other guard I had hostage back into the restaurant with the invisibility cloak, shutting the door defiantly behind me.
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: More recently than I’d like to admit ;)
13. Which shoe do you put on first?: The right one.
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: No.
15. Favorite kind of pizza: I’m Italian. What kind of pizza DON’T I like?
16. Do you wear a watch?: I would if it weren’t broken L I have to take it in to get it fixed.
17. What were you doing last week at this time?: Hanging out with my boyfriend.
18. Do you collect anything?: I’m a pack rat. I collect concert tickets and programs as well as a bunch of other random crap I’ll probably never need again.
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it: A rainbow or a sunset
20. Scrunch or fold: Both, it depends on my mood. Fold if I want to keep it, scrunch if I despised that particular paper.
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: I would be wearing some conglomeration of bright highlighter-esque colors in a strapless handkerchief hem dress. My secret power is to channel my inner diva and sing the opera notes of justice, culturing my foes into submission. My transformation process occurs when I sing a five note pentatonic scale and lift my arms to the sky.
22. Your favorite time of day: Mid-day or Evening
23. Beach or Forest: Beach!
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: Never. I’m just that good.
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: I would be in Doctor Who, because it’s epic and I’d love to travel the stars with David Tennant or Matt Smith.
26. Do you doodle during class?: If I’m really REALLY bored.
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: At least the right one, but I prefer to have both.
28. How do you eat your cookies?: Ravenously.
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: Italia!
30. You are at New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan?: Hipster glasses, head to toe argyle, and pictures of Heidi Klum (or the real deal).
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?: Yes, in London. Talk about exciting!
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?: No, unless soda counts.
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock?: Religiously.
34. What is your best friends Mom’s name?: I have too many to pick just one.
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: Yes, Michelle (ma belle) by the Beatles.
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: I did, to a bible summer camp.
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: Turkey and cheese.
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: Dr. Pepper and Smartfood Popcorn!
39. Innie or Outie?: Innie.
40. Google or Yahoo: Google all the way!
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
This chickie and I have been through and will go through alot. We're both Music Education Majors and therefore will always be able to relate to each other. It's just so ridiculous.
1. Full Name: Michelle Cipollone
2. Nickname: Big Onion, Mitch, Shelly,
3. Age: 20
4. Favorite Color: Green
5. Where were you born?: Portland, OR
6. One guilty pleasure: Pop music, and nerdy/dorky dancing.
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others:
8. Something you are terrified of: Spiders
9. What is your bedtime routine?: Grab toiletries, go pee, brush teeth, set alarm, turn off light and get in bed, turn on light because I forgot to take out contacts, re-check alarm, then go to sleep.
10. What is your strangest talent?: Making ridiculous sound effects.
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: Steal Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak to infiltrate the premises, but I trip and one of the guards sees my feet. I then throw the tattered cloak over one guard and use him as a shield so that I can get to the exit. The other guard won’t shoot his friend so I’ll make it through the door, then twirl the other guard I had hostage back into the restaurant with the invisibility cloak, shutting the door defiantly behind me.
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: More recently than I’d like to admit ;)
13. Which shoe do you put on first?: The right one.
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: No.
15. Favorite kind of pizza: I’m Italian. What kind of pizza DON’T I like?
16. Do you wear a watch?: I would if it weren’t broken L I have to take it in to get it fixed.
17. What were you doing last week at this time?: Hanging out with my boyfriend.
18. Do you collect anything?: I’m a pack rat. I collect concert tickets and programs as well as a bunch of other random crap I’ll probably never need again.
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it: A rainbow or a sunset
20. Scrunch or fold: Both, it depends on my mood. Fold if I want to keep it, scrunch if I despised that particular paper.
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: I would be wearing some conglomeration of bright highlighter-esque colors in a strapless handkerchief hem dress. My secret power is to channel my inner diva and sing the opera notes of justice, culturing my foes into submission. My transformation process occurs when I sing a five note pentatonic scale and lift my arms to the sky.
22. Your favorite time of day: Mid-day or Evening
23. Beach or Forest: Beach!
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: Never. I’m just that good.
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: I would be in Doctor Who, because it’s epic and I’d love to travel the stars with David Tennant or Matt Smith.
26. Do you doodle during class?: If I’m really REALLY bored.
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: At least the right one, but I prefer to have both.
28. How do you eat your cookies?: Ravenously.
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: Italia!
30. You are at New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan?: Hipster glasses, head to toe argyle, and pictures of Heidi Klum (or the real deal).
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?: Yes, in London. Talk about exciting!
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?: No, unless soda counts.
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock?: Religiously.
34. What is your best friends Mom’s name?: I have too many to pick just one.
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: Yes, Michelle (ma belle) by the Beatles.
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: I did, to a bible summer camp.
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: Turkey and cheese.
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: Dr. Pepper and Smartfood Popcorn!
39. Innie or Outie?: Innie.
40. Google or Yahoo: Google all the way!
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
Sorry about the lateness. :(
This is Mandie! I have been in choir with her for the past three years. First two we were in Singers and this year we're in Chorale! She is super sweet and always says Hi to me! :)
1. Full Name: Mandie Lee Miller-Schossow
2. Nickname: Chop
3. Age: 22
4. Favorite Color: Pink
5. Where were you born?: Tacoma General Hospital
6. One guilty pleasure: Disney Channel Shows
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others: Pee
8. Something you are terrified of: Dark
9. What is your bedtime routine?: put on pj’s, take out contacts, brush teeth, put in retainer
10. What is your strangest talent?: I don’t have many talents and I don’t think any of them are strange
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: buy some orange chicken and leave
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: umm like two weeks ago, playing Wii dance
13. Which shoe do you put on first?: which ever one I grab first
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: yes
15. Favorite kind of pizza: sausage and black olive or pesto
16. Do you wear a watch?: No
17. What were you doing last week at this time?: probably checking facebook ha ha
18. Do you collect anything?: state quarters
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it: the Kittens Inspired by Kittens Youtube video
20. Scrunch or fold: fold
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: a cape, invisibility, dispersing in a million pieces like Wonka-vision
22. Your favorite time of day: afternoon
23. Beach or Forest: beach
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: Never :)
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: Grey’s Anatomy because medicine is interesting
26. Do you doodle during class?: Sometimes
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: both lol
28. How do you eat your cookies?: with milk
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: Trinidad
30. You are New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan?: No idea
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?: Yes
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?: No
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock?: absolutely
34. What is your best friends Mom’s name?: Nancy
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: I wish
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: Yea
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: Turkey with humus, cucumber, lettuce and tomato
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: sausage egg and cheese muffin sandwich
39. Innie or Outie?: Innie
40. Google or Yahoo: Both
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
Sorry about the lateness. :(
This is Mandie! I have been in choir with her for the past three years. First two we were in Singers and this year we're in Chorale! She is super sweet and always says Hi to me! :)
1. Full Name: Mandie Lee Miller-Schossow
2. Nickname: Chop
3. Age: 22
4. Favorite Color: Pink
5. Where were you born?: Tacoma General Hospital
6. One guilty pleasure: Disney Channel Shows
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others: Pee
8. Something you are terrified of: Dark
9. What is your bedtime routine?: put on pj’s, take out contacts, brush teeth, put in retainer
10. What is your strangest talent?: I don’t have many talents and I don’t think any of them are strange
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: buy some orange chicken and leave
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: umm like two weeks ago, playing Wii dance
13. Which shoe do you put on first?: which ever one I grab first
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: yes
15. Favorite kind of pizza: sausage and black olive or pesto
16. Do you wear a watch?: No
17. What were you doing last week at this time?: probably checking facebook ha ha
18. Do you collect anything?: state quarters
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it: the Kittens Inspired by Kittens Youtube video
20. Scrunch or fold: fold
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: a cape, invisibility, dispersing in a million pieces like Wonka-vision
22. Your favorite time of day: afternoon
23. Beach or Forest: beach
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: Never :)
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: Grey’s Anatomy because medicine is interesting
26. Do you doodle during class?: Sometimes
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: both lol
28. How do you eat your cookies?: with milk
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: Trinidad
30. You are New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan?: No idea
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?: Yes
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?: No
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock?: absolutely
34. What is your best friends Mom’s name?: Nancy
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: I wish
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: Yea
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: Turkey with humus, cucumber, lettuce and tomato
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: sausage egg and cheese muffin sandwich
39. Innie or Outie?: Innie
40. Google or Yahoo: Both
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
This is today's blog. :D
Say hello to Timothy. He is my adorable, precious, amazing, blonde tenor friend. He has such a big heart and he loves all of his friends dearly. We have fun when we hang out. He makes me smile.
1. Name: Timothy J. Morton
2. Nickname: Tim, T.J.
3. Age: 22
4. Favorite Color: Blue, Red, and Green (in that order)
5. Where were you born?: Tacoma, WA
6. One guilty pleasure: General Hospital, Ke$ha, Katy Perry, Kayne West, and Pokemon
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others: Dance like a crazy person
8. Something you are terrified of: Snakes, Spiders and eggs.
9. What is your bedtime routine?: Nothing interesting. I change into my P.J.s, Wash my face, set my alarm clock and climb into bed. (I do mean climb because my bed is lofted)
10. What is your strangest talent?: being able to randomly connect a given conversation to some historical issue.
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: Act lost and confused, and then kick his ass like Sydney Bristow! Alias, Hell yeah!
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: Yesterday, while I was listening to "Pretty Visitor" by Arctic Monkeys
13. Which shoe do you put on first?: My right.
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: No. I don't like to wear socks.
15. Favorite kind of pizza: Cheese
16. Do you wear a watch?: Yes
17. What were you doing last week at this time? Doing the dishes.
18. Do you collect anything?: Pokemon, Sun Glasses! Scarves!
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it:
Lady Gaga's Telephone music video always seems to brighten my day!
20. Scrunch or fold: I am not sure!
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: I would wear a leather jacket, black boots and some awesome sunglasses! I would have the power to transform objects.
22. Your favorite time of day: 10:00 pm to 1am or right when I get up.
23. Beach or Forest: The beach!!!!! I lived less than a mile from the beach for 19 years of my life, I love being near the water!!
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: It sucked!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did an illegal U-turn and didn't realize that there was cop right behind me, It wasn't good. That being said, I am a really safe driver.
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: I can't choose. Mad men, because it is the best show on television and Don Draper is the man! Alias because it is my favorite show ever and I would get to kick some ass. True Blood because it is so hot! Gossip Girl because I love the drama!
26. Do you doodle during class?: Yes, except in most history classes.
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: The one to my right.
28. How do you eat your cookies?: One at a time, without milk.
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: Ireland.
30. You are New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan?: A suit, duck tape, scissors, a camera, and Rihanna.
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?:Yes, in 2003. I was in Paris.
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?: Not as far as I can remember.
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock?: Nope.
34. What is your best friends Mom’s name?: I don't like to pick best friends.
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: No, as far as I know.
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: Yes, I hated it!
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: Grilled ham and cheese.
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: Simply Apple Juice!
39. Innie or Outie?: Innie
40. Google or Yahoo: Google is where its at!
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
This is today's blog. :D
Say hello to Timothy. He is my adorable, precious, amazing, blonde tenor friend. He has such a big heart and he loves all of his friends dearly. We have fun when we hang out. He makes me smile.
1. Name: Timothy J. Morton
2. Nickname: Tim, T.J.
3. Age: 22
4. Favorite Color: Blue, Red, and Green (in that order)
5. Where were you born?: Tacoma, WA
6. One guilty pleasure: General Hospital, Ke$ha, Katy Perry, Kayne West, and Pokemon
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others: Dance like a crazy person
8. Something you are terrified of: Snakes, Spiders and eggs.
9. What is your bedtime routine?: Nothing interesting. I change into my P.J.s, Wash my face, set my alarm clock and climb into bed. (I do mean climb because my bed is lofted)
10. What is your strangest talent?: being able to randomly connect a given conversation to some historical issue.
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: Act lost and confused, and then kick his ass like Sydney Bristow! Alias, Hell yeah!
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: Yesterday, while I was listening to "Pretty Visitor" by Arctic Monkeys
13. Which shoe do you put on first?: My right.
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: No. I don't like to wear socks.
15. Favorite kind of pizza: Cheese
16. Do you wear a watch?: Yes
17. What were you doing last week at this time? Doing the dishes.
18. Do you collect anything?: Pokemon, Sun Glasses! Scarves!
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it:
Lady Gaga's Telephone music video always seems to brighten my day!
20. Scrunch or fold: I am not sure!
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: I would wear a leather jacket, black boots and some awesome sunglasses! I would have the power to transform objects.
22. Your favorite time of day: 10:00 pm to 1am or right when I get up.
23. Beach or Forest: The beach!!!!! I lived less than a mile from the beach for 19 years of my life, I love being near the water!!
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: It sucked!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did an illegal U-turn and didn't realize that there was cop right behind me, It wasn't good. That being said, I am a really safe driver.
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: I can't choose. Mad men, because it is the best show on television and Don Draper is the man! Alias because it is my favorite show ever and I would get to kick some ass. True Blood because it is so hot! Gossip Girl because I love the drama!
26. Do you doodle during class?: Yes, except in most history classes.
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: The one to my right.
28. How do you eat your cookies?: One at a time, without milk.
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: Ireland.
30. You are New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan?: A suit, duck tape, scissors, a camera, and Rihanna.
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?:Yes, in 2003. I was in Paris.
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?: Not as far as I can remember.
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock?: Nope.
34. What is your best friends Mom’s name?: I don't like to pick best friends.
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: No, as far as I know.
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: Yes, I hated it!
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: Grilled ham and cheese.
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: Simply Apple Juice!
39. Innie or Outie?: Innie
40. Google or Yahoo: Google is where its at!
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
This one is late. I'm sorry that I have a crazy schedule. I'm trying really hard but when I'm working on a lesson plan that I have to teach until eleven thirty then I am gonna opt to take a shower rather than post on this blog. But I catch up.
This is Kevin. He's another one of my bass friends. We became friends through a mutual friend or two. Or three. Or four. Anyway. He brings out the geek in me. And while he can be pretty dumb at times, he's really a good guy.
So he is doing Save It or Shave It. He loves his John Smith Hair. And I want him to shave it sooooo bad. So I put a couple dollars in his Shave It jar. :P
1. Full Name: Kevin James Davis
2. Nickname: Kevy-wevy-poo, Sexy-Kevin
3. Age: 20
4. Favorite Color: Turquoise
5. Where were you born?: Bellevue Washington
6. One guilty pleasure: Smallville, Superman being adorable and awkward is apparently enjoyable to me.
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others: Improvise for a long time on the piano. I can do slow melodies that kinda work, but I can create some pretty epic sounding things if I know there’s no one to hear the bad chords
8. Something you are terrified of: Going deaf, honestly, I’ve taken ear plugs to concerts before
9. What is your bedtime routine?: Usually shower around 10, then surf the web or play Minecraft as I let my hair dry, sometimes get dressed, and hop into bed. Then I usually pound my face into my pillow saying “Oh god, why is it so damn late”
10. What is your strangest talent?: I can make my hair wobble
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: run the other way as fast as I can, and pull the old hide-in-a-closet-till-they-go-past-then-jump-out-and-run-the-other-way-again trick. Totally works in the movies
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: While I was driving back from Portland, probably not the safest time
13. Which shoe do you put on first?: right shoe
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: Nope
15. Favorite kind of pizza: Olive
16. Do you wear a watch?: No, my old one broke
17. What were you doing last week at this time?: sleeping, should probably get on that
18. Do you collect anything?: I used to collect Jones Soda Bottle caps, now I just collect empty soda cans….on my desk
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it: A drawing I did of my friend Rachel Carlson in my sketch book.
20. Scrunch or fold: I don’t know what we’re talking about, but I never fold my laundry any more, so scrunch
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: I am wearing a dark black sega-san-esk(but not quite) top, with jeans. I can fly via shockwaves, from my hands and feet. When I transform, my hair becomes even MORE anime-esk, and grows by about 2 inches. My Transformation is quick (comparatively), I just breath in dramatically, and quickly thrust my arms and legs out to my sides and one shockwave propagates from my body in all directions as the transformation is complete.
22. Your favorite time of day: 8pm and after
23. Beach or Forest: Beach
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: Last time a cop stopped near me I was helping Nic get a tow from AAA and the cop stoped to make sure we were all ok, as we were on the side of the freeway.
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: Castle, because then I could either be interrogated by Nathan Fillion or be the subject of his complete attention (the murder victim)
26. Do you doodle during class?: once in a while,
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: the one to my right
28. How do you eat your cookies?: quickly
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: New Zealand
30. You are New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan?: Hairspray, eyeliner, and a totally awesome clutch bag, as long as I look like I’m supposed to be there, no one will question me
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?: yes, in Mexico, and I didn’t die! Figure that out!
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?: Yes, I think I tried picking my nose with an q-tip at one point as a child
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock?: no, the “off” button is much easier to hit, despite being about ¼ the size.
34. What is your best friends Mom’s name?: Yvette.
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: Not to my knowledge
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: Yup, Boy scout Camp to be exact.
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: if I KNEW I was going to a desert island, probably one of those comically long buffet sandwiches that make for parties, with turkey pastrami and Pepper Jack Cheese.
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: Butter Finger Icecream
39. Innie or Outie?: Innie
40. Google or Yahoo: Google
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
This one is late. I'm sorry that I have a crazy schedule. I'm trying really hard but when I'm working on a lesson plan that I have to teach until eleven thirty then I am gonna opt to take a shower rather than post on this blog. But I catch up.
This is Kevin. He's another one of my bass friends. We became friends through a mutual friend or two. Or three. Or four. Anyway. He brings out the geek in me. And while he can be pretty dumb at times, he's really a good guy.
So he is doing Save It or Shave It. He loves his John Smith Hair. And I want him to shave it sooooo bad. So I put a couple dollars in his Shave It jar. :P
1. Full Name: Kevin James Davis
2. Nickname: Kevy-wevy-poo, Sexy-Kevin
3. Age: 20
4. Favorite Color: Turquoise
5. Where were you born?: Bellevue Washington
6. One guilty pleasure: Smallville, Superman being adorable and awkward is apparently enjoyable to me.
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others: Improvise for a long time on the piano. I can do slow melodies that kinda work, but I can create some pretty epic sounding things if I know there’s no one to hear the bad chords
8. Something you are terrified of: Going deaf, honestly, I’ve taken ear plugs to concerts before
9. What is your bedtime routine?: Usually shower around 10, then surf the web or play Minecraft as I let my hair dry, sometimes get dressed, and hop into bed. Then I usually pound my face into my pillow saying “Oh god, why is it so damn late”
10. What is your strangest talent?: I can make my hair wobble
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: run the other way as fast as I can, and pull the old hide-in-a-closet-till-they-go-past-then-jump-out-and-run-the-other-way-again trick. Totally works in the movies
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: While I was driving back from Portland, probably not the safest time
13. Which shoe do you put on first?: right shoe
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: Nope
15. Favorite kind of pizza: Olive
16. Do you wear a watch?: No, my old one broke
17. What were you doing last week at this time?: sleeping, should probably get on that
18. Do you collect anything?: I used to collect Jones Soda Bottle caps, now I just collect empty soda cans….on my desk
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it: A drawing I did of my friend Rachel Carlson in my sketch book.
20. Scrunch or fold: I don’t know what we’re talking about, but I never fold my laundry any more, so scrunch
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: I am wearing a dark black sega-san-esk(but not quite) top, with jeans. I can fly via shockwaves, from my hands and feet. When I transform, my hair becomes even MORE anime-esk, and grows by about 2 inches. My Transformation is quick (comparatively), I just breath in dramatically, and quickly thrust my arms and legs out to my sides and one shockwave propagates from my body in all directions as the transformation is complete.
22. Your favorite time of day: 8pm and after
23. Beach or Forest: Beach
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: Last time a cop stopped near me I was helping Nic get a tow from AAA and the cop stoped to make sure we were all ok, as we were on the side of the freeway.
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: Castle, because then I could either be interrogated by Nathan Fillion or be the subject of his complete attention (the murder victim)
26. Do you doodle during class?: once in a while,
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: the one to my right
28. How do you eat your cookies?: quickly
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: New Zealand
30. You are New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan?: Hairspray, eyeliner, and a totally awesome clutch bag, as long as I look like I’m supposed to be there, no one will question me
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?: yes, in Mexico, and I didn’t die! Figure that out!
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?: Yes, I think I tried picking my nose with an q-tip at one point as a child
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock?: no, the “off” button is much easier to hit, despite being about ¼ the size.
34. What is your best friends Mom’s name?: Yvette.
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: Not to my knowledge
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: Yup, Boy scout Camp to be exact.
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: if I KNEW I was going to a desert island, probably one of those comically long buffet sandwiches that make for parties, with turkey pastrami and Pepper Jack Cheese.
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: Butter Finger Icecream
39. Innie or Outie?: Innie
40. Google or Yahoo: Google
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
Monday, March 21, 2011
So this is Megan. And she is one of my best friends. She is just so amazing and I really couldn't ask for more in a friend. We laugh together, we cry together, we both act like complete idiots together. I love her dearly.
This is an amazing photo bomb. As I was taking this picture she flung herself off of my bed and managed to land in the picture perfectly. It was glorious.
She was really disappointed with the size of the actual banana in realtion to the peel.
1. Full Name: Megan Elizabeth Anderson
2. Nickname: Optimus Prime, Meggo, Megars, Ander, Megs, Anderson
3. Age: 20
4. Favorite Color: Aqua Blue
5. Where were you born?: Belleuve, Wa
6. One guilty pleasure: Rainbowchip frosting and pretzels, it can cure anything: broken hearts, head aches, stress. EXCEPT a stomach ache.
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others: Dance, I’m terrible.
8. Something you are terrified of: feet AH!
9. What is your bedtime routine?: Put on my one-zie, brush my face, wash my teeth, take my medicine, lock the door, set my alarm, check my alarm 3 times to make sure it is set at the right time, climb into bed, write my To Do list for the next day, hope for wonderful dreams, turn off the light, then fall asleep.
10. What is your strangest talent?: I can make a seagull call
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: Transform into Optimus Prime and open a can of WUP-ASS!
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: December 26th, during the sermon I gave at church, I was jamming out to Journey’s Don’t Stop Believin’”
13. Which shoe do you put on first?: Right
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: Nope, I am currently working at the pool, socks + water = grossness. Otherwise, I am always wearing socks see question # 7 for further explanation.
15. Favorite kind of pizza: Hawaiian
16. Do you wear a watch?: Yes, it has the Circle of 5th’s/the relative minor instead of numbers. I’m such a music teacher.
17. What were you doing last week at this time?: I was sitting here working at the pool, saving lives…no big deal.
18. Do you collect anything?: Postcards from every place I go.
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it: My Optimus Prime Helmet, letters, snow, sun, smiles : D
20. Scrunch or fold: Fold, I’m a total neat freak.
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: I’m Optimus Prime, enough said
22. Your favorite time of day: 7:20pm on a summer evening/ 7am on a winter day.
23. Beach or Forest: Beach, I was a fish in my past life.
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: Never *knock on wood*
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: I would be Zeva from NCIS, Optimus Prime in Transformers, or Robin Sherbotzki from How I Met Your Mother. Why? Because they are awesome!
26. Do you doodle during class?: I try to, but I can’t even draw stick figures.
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: at least the right one.
28. How do you eat your cookies?: Let’s see, if I can remember correctly, I open my mouth and take a bite, chew, shallow, then repeat.
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: Greece!
30. You are New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan?: my backup autobots: Jazz, Bumble-Bee, Ironide, and Ratchet.
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?: Yes
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?: besides my own finger, nope.
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock?: I am the queen snoozer. My snooze goes off every 5 minutes and I once continued pressing the snooze button for 1 ½ hours. GO ME!
34. What is your best friends Mom’s name?: Betsy (Elizabeth)
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: Nope
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: Nope, I was on a summer league swim team, no time for camp.
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: Turkey, bacon, avocado delicious!
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: Grande Vanilla Chai
39. Innie or Outie?: How about an in-outie. That’s what I get for getting an umbilical hernia at age 19.
40. Google or Yahoo: Google
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
So this is Megan. And she is one of my best friends. She is just so amazing and I really couldn't ask for more in a friend. We laugh together, we cry together, we both act like complete idiots together. I love her dearly.
This is an amazing photo bomb. As I was taking this picture she flung herself off of my bed and managed to land in the picture perfectly. It was glorious.
She was really disappointed with the size of the actual banana in realtion to the peel.
1. Full Name: Megan Elizabeth Anderson
2. Nickname: Optimus Prime, Meggo, Megars, Ander, Megs, Anderson
3. Age: 20
4. Favorite Color: Aqua Blue
5. Where were you born?: Belleuve, Wa
6. One guilty pleasure: Rainbowchip frosting and pretzels, it can cure anything: broken hearts, head aches, stress. EXCEPT a stomach ache.
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others: Dance, I’m terrible.
8. Something you are terrified of: feet AH!
9. What is your bedtime routine?: Put on my one-zie, brush my face, wash my teeth, take my medicine, lock the door, set my alarm, check my alarm 3 times to make sure it is set at the right time, climb into bed, write my To Do list for the next day, hope for wonderful dreams, turn off the light, then fall asleep.
10. What is your strangest talent?: I can make a seagull call
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: Transform into Optimus Prime and open a can of WUP-ASS!
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: December 26th, during the sermon I gave at church, I was jamming out to Journey’s Don’t Stop Believin’”
13. Which shoe do you put on first?: Right
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: Nope, I am currently working at the pool, socks + water = grossness. Otherwise, I am always wearing socks see question # 7 for further explanation.
15. Favorite kind of pizza: Hawaiian
16. Do you wear a watch?: Yes, it has the Circle of 5th’s/the relative minor instead of numbers. I’m such a music teacher.
17. What were you doing last week at this time?: I was sitting here working at the pool, saving lives…no big deal.
18. Do you collect anything?: Postcards from every place I go.
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it: My Optimus Prime Helmet, letters, snow, sun, smiles : D
20. Scrunch or fold: Fold, I’m a total neat freak.
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: I’m Optimus Prime, enough said
22. Your favorite time of day: 7:20pm on a summer evening/ 7am on a winter day.
23. Beach or Forest: Beach, I was a fish in my past life.
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: Never *knock on wood*
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: I would be Zeva from NCIS, Optimus Prime in Transformers, or Robin Sherbotzki from How I Met Your Mother. Why? Because they are awesome!
26. Do you doodle during class?: I try to, but I can’t even draw stick figures.
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: at least the right one.
28. How do you eat your cookies?: Let’s see, if I can remember correctly, I open my mouth and take a bite, chew, shallow, then repeat.
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: Greece!
30. You are New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan?: my backup autobots: Jazz, Bumble-Bee, Ironide, and Ratchet.
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?: Yes
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?: besides my own finger, nope.
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock?: I am the queen snoozer. My snooze goes off every 5 minutes and I once continued pressing the snooze button for 1 ½ hours. GO ME!
34. What is your best friends Mom’s name?: Betsy (Elizabeth)
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: Nope
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: Nope, I was on a summer league swim team, no time for camp.
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: Turkey, bacon, avocado delicious!
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: Grande Vanilla Chai
39. Innie or Outie?: How about an in-outie. That’s what I get for getting an umbilical hernia at age 19.
40. Google or Yahoo: Google
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Say hello to Heather. She's a little silly sometimes but that's why I love her. She's a musical theatre soul like me and I am so jealous that she got to be Jo in Little Women the musical. She's amazing! Heather also gets props for using Galante to infiltrate Michael Kors' fashion show!
1. Full Name: Heather Noel Weirich
2. Nickname: Heather Weather, Hez, Hezzer, Hezzer Wezzer, Heather Weather Life’s a Feather, High Note Heather (that’s an old one), German Christmas Flower, lungs of steel…the list goes on.
3. Age: 20…so close and yet so far to 21.
4. Favorite Color: Turquoise
5. Where were you born?: Wenatchee, Washington
6. One guilty pleasure: I love the Backstreet Boys and Justin Timberlake with all my heart. I might have gone to a BSB concert last summer and I might have a big poster of JT in my room…just maybe.
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others: Take model pictures of myself, but I always delete the evidence.
8. Something you are terrified of: Losing my voice. It would be like losing myself.
9. What is your bedtime routine?: Brush Teeth, wash face, floss, take my contacts out, talk to the roomie, contemplate life, and finally fall asleep.
10. What is your strangest talent?: I am a gifted enabler. I can get almost anyone to do something that they really shouldn’t do…it can be quite entertaining.
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: Talk in a very heavy German accent and pretend I know hardly any English. I flirt with them and once I get close I kick them wear it hurts and run for my life.
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: Probably yesterday. I know I played air drums tonight if that counts.
13. Which shoe do you put on first?: Whichever I find first in my shoe pile.
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: nope
15. Favorite kind of pizza: Pizza with lots of veggies and everything on it.
16. Do you wear a watch?: Nope, according to the suns position I would say its about 4:28 right now.
17. What were you doing last week at this time?: Rehearsal….and more rehearsal….
18. Do you collect anything?: I have a thing for mugs, pens, and cheap clothes from second hand stores.
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it: The sun.
20. Scrunch or fold: scrunch.
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: I am wearing a red pleather cat-suit like Britney spears in her “opps I did it again” music video. My powers are that I can sing my way into anyone’s heart and can dance my way out of anything. For my transformation all you have to do is play some good music or listen to my IPod and BAM I turn into a badass.
22. Your favorite time of day: I don’t have a favorite. All day, everyday
23. Beach or Forest: Beach it up.
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: I have never really been stopped, but my last interaction with a cop was when someone hit my car in a parking lot and drove off…lucky for me I had a cute cop on my case.
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: Harry Potter for magic, Pride and Prejudice for the classiness and to have Mr. Darcy all to myself, and Glee/any musical to break out in song and dance at any moment and have it be socially acceptable.
26. Do you doodle during class?: Constantly. My doodles are a masterpiece in production.
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: What arm rest isn’t mine?
28. How do you eat your cookies?: I like my cookies big and I like to eat a lot of them. I am a cookie monster.
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: This is a toughie…but I would probably have to say Germany since that is where my peeps are from. Italy is a close runner-up.
30. You are New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan?: Glitter confetti, red stilettos, one of those bedazzled diamond Victoria secret bras, indoor rain sparks, sparkly umbrellas, big sunglasses, red lipstick, an orchestra, a choir directed by Galante, and Justin Timberlake.
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?: nope. I don’t want to die.
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?: Yeah, who hasn’t?
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock?: No, and hence I will often turn my alarm off and accidently fall back asleep.
34. What is your best friends Mom’s name?: Cathy
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: No I wish!!
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: Nah, I always wanted to go just like the parent trap kids.
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: a five dolla foot longggg
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: Definitely coffee of different assortments.
39. Innie or Outie?: Innie
40. Google or Yahoo: Google it.
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
Say hello to Heather. She's a little silly sometimes but that's why I love her. She's a musical theatre soul like me and I am so jealous that she got to be Jo in Little Women the musical. She's amazing! Heather also gets props for using Galante to infiltrate Michael Kors' fashion show!
1. Full Name: Heather Noel Weirich
2. Nickname: Heather Weather, Hez, Hezzer, Hezzer Wezzer, Heather Weather Life’s a Feather, High Note Heather (that’s an old one), German Christmas Flower, lungs of steel…the list goes on.
3. Age: 20…so close and yet so far to 21.
4. Favorite Color: Turquoise
5. Where were you born?: Wenatchee, Washington
6. One guilty pleasure: I love the Backstreet Boys and Justin Timberlake with all my heart. I might have gone to a BSB concert last summer and I might have a big poster of JT in my room…just maybe.
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others: Take model pictures of myself, but I always delete the evidence.
8. Something you are terrified of: Losing my voice. It would be like losing myself.
9. What is your bedtime routine?: Brush Teeth, wash face, floss, take my contacts out, talk to the roomie, contemplate life, and finally fall asleep.
10. What is your strangest talent?: I am a gifted enabler. I can get almost anyone to do something that they really shouldn’t do…it can be quite entertaining.
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: Talk in a very heavy German accent and pretend I know hardly any English. I flirt with them and once I get close I kick them wear it hurts and run for my life.
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: Probably yesterday. I know I played air drums tonight if that counts.
13. Which shoe do you put on first?: Whichever I find first in my shoe pile.
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: nope
15. Favorite kind of pizza: Pizza with lots of veggies and everything on it.
16. Do you wear a watch?: Nope, according to the suns position I would say its about 4:28 right now.
17. What were you doing last week at this time?: Rehearsal….and more rehearsal….
18. Do you collect anything?: I have a thing for mugs, pens, and cheap clothes from second hand stores.
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it: The sun.
20. Scrunch or fold: scrunch.
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: I am wearing a red pleather cat-suit like Britney spears in her “opps I did it again” music video. My powers are that I can sing my way into anyone’s heart and can dance my way out of anything. For my transformation all you have to do is play some good music or listen to my IPod and BAM I turn into a badass.
22. Your favorite time of day: I don’t have a favorite. All day, everyday
23. Beach or Forest: Beach it up.
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: I have never really been stopped, but my last interaction with a cop was when someone hit my car in a parking lot and drove off…lucky for me I had a cute cop on my case.
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: Harry Potter for magic, Pride and Prejudice for the classiness and to have Mr. Darcy all to myself, and Glee/any musical to break out in song and dance at any moment and have it be socially acceptable.
26. Do you doodle during class?: Constantly. My doodles are a masterpiece in production.
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: What arm rest isn’t mine?
28. How do you eat your cookies?: I like my cookies big and I like to eat a lot of them. I am a cookie monster.
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: This is a toughie…but I would probably have to say Germany since that is where my peeps are from. Italy is a close runner-up.
30. You are New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan?: Glitter confetti, red stilettos, one of those bedazzled diamond Victoria secret bras, indoor rain sparks, sparkly umbrellas, big sunglasses, red lipstick, an orchestra, a choir directed by Galante, and Justin Timberlake.
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?: nope. I don’t want to die.
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?: Yeah, who hasn’t?
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock?: No, and hence I will often turn my alarm off and accidently fall back asleep.
34. What is your best friends Mom’s name?: Cathy
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: No I wish!!
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: Nah, I always wanted to go just like the parent trap kids.
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: a five dolla foot longggg
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: Definitely coffee of different assortments.
39. Innie or Outie?: Innie
40. Google or Yahoo: Google it.
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Miss Alicia
This is Alicia. Isn't she just as cute as a button? She is just so sweet and fun to be around. I really enjoy spending time with her. Sometimes she understands what I'm going through when no one else does. She is also a HUGE book nerd. [Kinda like I am. Only I'm a closet book nerd.] :)
1. Full Name: Alicia Elizabeth Faith Johnson
2. Nickname: Ali (but don’t call me that…)
3. Age: 21
4. Favorite Color: Blue!
5. Where were you born?: Puyallup, WA
6. One guilty pleasure: Hmm…nostalgic things. Things I should be way too old for.
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others: Well,. But really, probably belly-dancing. I took like, 3 years of belly-dancing classes in high school. I find it kind of embarrassing, actually.
8. Something you are terrified of: God, what a long list. Oceans, sharks, being stabbed in the leg with a knitting needle, clarinet-playing assassins (if I haven’t told you this story, ask me, it’s really funny!).
9. What is your bedtime routine?: Walk into room, close and lock door, think “Oh crap, I really need to brush my teeth….oh well.”, get changed, close the blinds, realize that I changed before closing my blinds, get in bed, read for 30 minutes to an hour, turn off light, snuggle with bear, and sleep.
10. What is your strangest talent?: I can wiggle my nose? Well that’s not very strange…I can fit 8 marshmallows in my mouth and still say Chubby Bunny? I can talk really high and sound like Sailor Moon…? I don’t know. I’m strange, but not in talented ways, I don’t think.
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: Stuff the recipies in my bra for safe keeping and then hold my hands up like, “What, I don’t have anything!” Then, if they continue to approach, I would use my supersonic screaming power to paralyze them, jump over their heads, and run for the door. Of course they weren’t paralyzed for long, so they’re running after me with earplugs, somehow knowing of my secret powers. So I run through those spinney glass doors and make them spin super fast until we’re all stuck just running around. Then finally, we all get dizzy and they collapse, and the doors get stuck, so I stumble out the front door, where my ride is waiting for me and I jump in and we zoom away to the nearest kitchen. Orange chicken here I come…
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: Whenever I last heard Audioslave’s “Like a Stone.” Whenever that was. I’d say about two weeks ago. Though I’m more likely to sing like a guitar than play an imaginary one…
13. Which shoe do you put on first?: Always the right one. Always.
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: Ugh, Lord no. I only wear socks when absolutely necessary. With shoes. I hate socks. Feet should be free.
15. Favorite kind of pizza: Canadian bacon and pineapple from JJ’s (which is now closed! But it used to be a block from my house in Tacoma)
16. Do you wear a watch?: Nope. But I inherited one.
17. What were you doing last week at this time?: Waiting in Tim’s room for him to finish getting ready so we could go to breakfast…
18. Do you collect anything?: Postcards and bears. Teddy bears, bear candle holders, bear candles, bear stamps. I like bears. They’re cute.
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it: BEARS, Hello Kitty, any puppy. Any puppy (seriously, be with me when I see a puppy and it’s like walking with someone who has puppy radar.), puppy and kitty pictures, a bookstore, money, and people I love.
20. Scrunch or fold: Scrunch or fold what…? Hair? Money? Clothing? What…?
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: I would be Emo Woman! Taking out my magical transformation eyeliner and uncapping it, I begin to transform! My hair straightens and turns black with a dark blue streak on one side. Suddenly, I’m wearing cute arm warmers that change with my mood, black skinny jeans and a black T-shirt with Hello-Kitty zombie on it. I put on the magic eyeliner for the final touches. And Paralyzer by Finger Eleven plays as I transform. My attacks are supersonic scream, rain of tears, slash, and the ability to paralyze my enemies with loud renditions of Evanescence songs.
22. Your favorite time of day: Night.
23. Beach or Forest: Forest.
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: Well, I’ve never personally been pulled over. But the last time I was in a car when it was pulled over, my mom was driving and one of our headlights was out. We were driving in Grant county WA, which is equivalent to Fircrest WA. The police just run your plates or pull you over and fine you for the smallest thing, because that’s how the county makes it’s money…
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: Star Trek Voyager (I’m nerdy). I love that cast, and it looks fun! And there are some attractive people in that cast…
26. Do you doodle during class?: Yup—it got me through Music History 1.
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: Depends on who I’m sitting with. But if I’m just hanging with friends, the left one. If I’m on a date, whichever arm rest is closest to them.
28. How do you eat your cookies?: In one bite, with milk.
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: England, England, England! I have this plan to do a writer’s tour of England and go see Shakespeare’s house and Jane Austen and Viriginia Woolf and William Faulkner…Must go….
30. You are New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan?: Black, three-inch stilettos, a screwdriver, fourteen safety pins, a hairbrush, 5 new pink-pearl erasers, a sharpie pen, two shots of vodka, a skein of blue silk, and a high-power fan.
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?: Nope.
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?: Not my nose. I put a rock in my ear once in fourth grade (when I should have known better!)—worst feeling ever.
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock?: Not lately, but in the past.
34. What is your best friends Mom’s name?: Virginia
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: Yup.
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: Seven years in a row at Camp Lutherhaven.
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: The Italian Maniac. It’s a sandwich the IGA makes where my grandma lives. Three kinds of wonderful Italian meats, cheddar and provolone, lettuce, red onion, pickles, and pepperocinis. Best. Sandwich ever.
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: Rice crispy treats…mmm…
39. Innie or Outie?: Innie
40. Google or Yahoo: Google, but I used to shun it. I used to be very much a Yahoo girl.
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
This is Alicia. Isn't she just as cute as a button? She is just so sweet and fun to be around. I really enjoy spending time with her. Sometimes she understands what I'm going through when no one else does. She is also a HUGE book nerd. [Kinda like I am. Only I'm a closet book nerd.] :)
1. Full Name: Alicia Elizabeth Faith Johnson
2. Nickname: Ali (but don’t call me that…)
3. Age: 21
4. Favorite Color: Blue!
5. Where were you born?: Puyallup, WA
6. One guilty pleasure: Hmm…nostalgic things. Things I should be way too old for.
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others: Well,
8. Something you are terrified of: God, what a long list. Oceans, sharks, being stabbed in the leg with a knitting needle, clarinet-playing assassins (if I haven’t told you this story, ask me, it’s really funny!).
9. What is your bedtime routine?: Walk into room, close and lock door, think “Oh crap, I really need to brush my teeth….oh well.”, get changed, close the blinds, realize that I changed before closing my blinds, get in bed, read for 30 minutes to an hour, turn off light, snuggle with bear, and sleep.
10. What is your strangest talent?: I can wiggle my nose? Well that’s not very strange…I can fit 8 marshmallows in my mouth and still say Chubby Bunny? I can talk really high and sound like Sailor Moon…? I don’t know. I’m strange, but not in talented ways, I don’t think.
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: Stuff the recipies in my bra for safe keeping and then hold my hands up like, “What, I don’t have anything!” Then, if they continue to approach, I would use my supersonic screaming power to paralyze them, jump over their heads, and run for the door. Of course they weren’t paralyzed for long, so they’re running after me with earplugs, somehow knowing of my secret powers. So I run through those spinney glass doors and make them spin super fast until we’re all stuck just running around. Then finally, we all get dizzy and they collapse, and the doors get stuck, so I stumble out the front door, where my ride is waiting for me and I jump in and we zoom away to the nearest kitchen. Orange chicken here I come…
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: Whenever I last heard Audioslave’s “Like a Stone.” Whenever that was. I’d say about two weeks ago. Though I’m more likely to sing like a guitar than play an imaginary one…
13. Which shoe do you put on first?: Always the right one. Always.
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: Ugh, Lord no. I only wear socks when absolutely necessary. With shoes. I hate socks. Feet should be free.
15. Favorite kind of pizza: Canadian bacon and pineapple from JJ’s (which is now closed! But it used to be a block from my house in Tacoma)
16. Do you wear a watch?: Nope. But I inherited one.
17. What were you doing last week at this time?: Waiting in Tim’s room for him to finish getting ready so we could go to breakfast…
18. Do you collect anything?: Postcards and bears. Teddy bears, bear candle holders, bear candles, bear stamps. I like bears. They’re cute.
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it: BEARS, Hello Kitty, any puppy. Any puppy (seriously, be with me when I see a puppy and it’s like walking with someone who has puppy radar.), puppy and kitty pictures, a bookstore, money, and people I love.
20. Scrunch or fold: Scrunch or fold what…? Hair? Money? Clothing? What…?
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: I would be Emo Woman! Taking out my magical transformation eyeliner and uncapping it, I begin to transform! My hair straightens and turns black with a dark blue streak on one side. Suddenly, I’m wearing cute arm warmers that change with my mood, black skinny jeans and a black T-shirt with Hello-Kitty zombie on it. I put on the magic eyeliner for the final touches. And Paralyzer by Finger Eleven plays as I transform. My attacks are supersonic scream, rain of tears, slash, and the ability to paralyze my enemies with loud renditions of Evanescence songs.
22. Your favorite time of day: Night.
23. Beach or Forest: Forest.
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: Well, I’ve never personally been pulled over. But the last time I was in a car when it was pulled over, my mom was driving and one of our headlights was out. We were driving in Grant county WA, which is equivalent to Fircrest WA. The police just run your plates or pull you over and fine you for the smallest thing, because that’s how the county makes it’s money…
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: Star Trek Voyager (I’m nerdy). I love that cast, and it looks fun! And there are some attractive people in that cast…
26. Do you doodle during class?: Yup—it got me through Music History 1.
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: Depends on who I’m sitting with. But if I’m just hanging with friends, the left one. If I’m on a date, whichever arm rest is closest to them.
28. How do you eat your cookies?: In one bite, with milk.
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: England, England, England! I have this plan to do a writer’s tour of England and go see Shakespeare’s house and Jane Austen and Viriginia Woolf and William Faulkner…Must go….
30. You are New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan?: Black, three-inch stilettos, a screwdriver, fourteen safety pins, a hairbrush, 5 new pink-pearl erasers, a sharpie pen, two shots of vodka, a skein of blue silk, and a high-power fan.
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?: Nope.
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?: Not my nose. I put a rock in my ear once in fourth grade (when I should have known better!)—worst feeling ever.
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock?: Not lately, but in the past.
34. What is your best friends Mom’s name?: Virginia
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: Yup.
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: Seven years in a row at Camp Lutherhaven.
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: The Italian Maniac. It’s a sandwich the IGA makes where my grandma lives. Three kinds of wonderful Italian meats, cheddar and provolone, lettuce, red onion, pickles, and pepperocinis. Best. Sandwich ever.
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: Rice crispy treats…mmm…
39. Innie or Outie?: Innie
40. Google or Yahoo: Google, but I used to shun it. I used to be very much a Yahoo girl.
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
It's a little late. But that's only cuz I worked until two am this morning. So therefore you must give me a break! I will post another one later today!
This is Melissa! We're not very close but everytime we spend any amount of time together we have a blast. She's a really great girl!
1. Full Name: Melissa Ilene Hornback
2. Nickname: Missa, Lissa, Lissy-lou, Messy (Not because I’m a messy person!)
3. Age: 21
4. Favorite Color: Aquamarine
5. Where were you born?: Landstuhl, Germany
6. One guilty pleasure: E! News...
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others: Go to the bathroom. I seriously do very little that I wouldn’t do in front of other people, because I just don’t care, lol
8. Something you are terrified of: Spiders, snakes, and sharks...lots of S’s
9. What is your bedtime routine?: Clean off bed, put pj’s on, call Nic, brush teeth, floss, fluoride rinse, go to the bathroom, get in bed, set alarm, go to sleep
10. What is your strangest talent?: Am I supposed to have one? I can kind wiggle my ears, I guess.
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: Run!! Original, I know.
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: Hmm...I’m sure it was within the last week
13. Which shoe do you put on first?: Usually right
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: Yes! 95 polka dot socks from Forever 21!
15. Favorite kind of pizza: Cheese
16. Do you wear a watch?: always
17. What were you doing last week at this time?: Probably facebooking or on the phone with Nic
18. Do you collect anything?: Keychains from all the places I’ve been and anything involving cows, mostly stuffed animals (I have 38 now, I believe.)
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it: My favorite stuffed cow that I got the day I was born :)
20. Scrunch or fold: Is there something specific I’m supposed to be scrunching or folding?
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: I’m wearing a long rich purple sweater with a black belt and black leggings and gray heeled boots (none of which I actually own...). My secret power is that I can put people into a deep sleep by singing like Christina Aguilera. Also, I don’t need to transform. I’m already awesome.
22. Your favorite time of day: Sunset
23. Beach or Forest: Beach
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: Uh, December of 07?
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: Make it or Break It, because it would force me to be in shape and I’d get to do at least a little gymnastics again!
26. Do you doodle during class?: Occasionally, but I draw bad stick people for crying out loud. I generally just pay attention...it’s much more fulfilling than my “drawings.”
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: Both. I’m greedy.
28. How do you eat your cookies?: Well I usually take a bite, chew, swallow, and repeat. Unless it’s an Oreo, in which case I twist it apart, scrape the frosting off the side with the least amount with my teeth, eat that cookie, then repeat on the other cookie.
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: Greece
30. You are New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan?: A slammin’ dress, emergency surgery to transform my 5’ 4.5” size 4 body into a 5’ 11” size 0 body, and silly string. Don’t ask.
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?: A loong time ago
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?: Haha, funny story. When I was 9, I decided I wanted to know what pepper smelled like. All I found out was that it burns when it’s up your nose...
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock?: Nope
34. What is your best friends Mom’s name?: Pam, Christine, Joan, uh...Leann’s mom?
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: Mhmm :)
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: a couple times
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: PB&J with LOTS of strawberry jam!
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: Anything gummy...or Red Vines or Jelly Bellies
39. Innie or Outie?: Kind of in between, actually. I think it’s hideous.
40. Google or Yahoo: Google, although Yahoo has an awesome song-thing! “Yahooo-oo-oo!”
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
It's a little late. But that's only cuz I worked until two am this morning. So therefore you must give me a break! I will post another one later today!
This is Melissa! We're not very close but everytime we spend any amount of time together we have a blast. She's a really great girl!
1. Full Name: Melissa Ilene Hornback
2. Nickname: Missa, Lissa, Lissy-lou, Messy (Not because I’m a messy person!)
3. Age: 21
4. Favorite Color: Aquamarine
5. Where were you born?: Landstuhl, Germany
6. One guilty pleasure: E! News...
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others: Go to the bathroom. I seriously do very little that I wouldn’t do in front of other people, because I just don’t care, lol
8. Something you are terrified of: Spiders, snakes, and sharks...lots of S’s
9. What is your bedtime routine?: Clean off bed, put pj’s on, call Nic, brush teeth, floss, fluoride rinse, go to the bathroom, get in bed, set alarm, go to sleep
10. What is your strangest talent?: Am I supposed to have one? I can kind wiggle my ears, I guess.
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: Run!! Original, I know.
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: Hmm...I’m sure it was within the last week
13. Which shoe do you put on first?: Usually right
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: Yes! 95 polka dot socks from Forever 21!
15. Favorite kind of pizza: Cheese
16. Do you wear a watch?: always
17. What were you doing last week at this time?: Probably facebooking or on the phone with Nic
18. Do you collect anything?: Keychains from all the places I’ve been and anything involving cows, mostly stuffed animals (I have 38 now, I believe.)
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it: My favorite stuffed cow that I got the day I was born :)
20. Scrunch or fold: Is there something specific I’m supposed to be scrunching or folding?
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: I’m wearing a long rich purple sweater with a black belt and black leggings and gray heeled boots (none of which I actually own...). My secret power is that I can put people into a deep sleep by singing like Christina Aguilera. Also, I don’t need to transform. I’m already awesome.
22. Your favorite time of day: Sunset
23. Beach or Forest: Beach
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: Uh, December of 07?
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: Make it or Break It, because it would force me to be in shape and I’d get to do at least a little gymnastics again!
26. Do you doodle during class?: Occasionally, but I draw bad stick people for crying out loud. I generally just pay attention...it’s much more fulfilling than my “drawings.”
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: Both. I’m greedy.
28. How do you eat your cookies?: Well I usually take a bite, chew, swallow, and repeat. Unless it’s an Oreo, in which case I twist it apart, scrape the frosting off the side with the least amount with my teeth, eat that cookie, then repeat on the other cookie.
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: Greece
30. You are New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan?: A slammin’ dress, emergency surgery to transform my 5’ 4.5” size 4 body into a 5’ 11” size 0 body, and silly string. Don’t ask.
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?: A loong time ago
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?: Haha, funny story. When I was 9, I decided I wanted to know what pepper smelled like. All I found out was that it burns when it’s up your nose...
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock?: Nope
34. What is your best friends Mom’s name?: Pam, Christine, Joan, uh...Leann’s mom?
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: Mhmm :)
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: a couple times
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: PB&J with LOTS of strawberry jam!
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: Anything gummy...or Red Vines or Jelly Bellies
39. Innie or Outie?: Kind of in between, actually. I think it’s hideous.
40. Google or Yahoo: Google, although Yahoo has an awesome song-thing! “Yahooo-oo-oo!”
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
Thursday, March 17, 2011
This is Hope. She is another one of the first years that I have collected this year. She plays oboe and, if I'm being completely honest, she could be my sister. So could Harmony. If only my name started with an "H" and was all uplifting and hopeful. Then we could be the three adorable Scandinavian sisters. :D
1. Full Name: Hope Alayna Bales
2. Nickname: Hopey, Ree-Ree, H-Dizzle, Munchkin, Schnitzle-face
3. Age: Almost 19!
4. Favorite Color: Purple
5. Where were you born?: Tacoma
6. One guilty pleasure: Books
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others: Dance like a crazy
8. Something you are terrified of: Falling
9. What is your bedtime routine?: Shower, Jammies!, (Sometimes read), Bed!
10. What is your strangest talent?: I'm an oboe player...derp! (or handbells...whatever you want)
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: Jump out the window using my ninja skills and parachute to safety. There should be unicorns involved in there somewhere...
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: 6 months, 36 days, 4 hours, 27 minutes, 58 1/2 seconds ago.
13. Which shoe do you put on first?: The awesome one. (aka Right)
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: Yes indeed!
15. Favorite kind of pizza: Combo
16. Do you wear a watch?: Yes. I am incomplete without it.
17. What were you doing last week at this time?: IDK...my BFF Jill?
18. Do you collect anything?: Souls. Yep.
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1819346999489&set=a.1246033187002.39995.1114561229&theater
20. Scrunch or fold: Wait a minute...are we folding/scrunching paper? Oboe reeds? String cheese?
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: Eating Pudding. With Japanese children. And capes...there will be capes. And a green tunic.
22. Your favorite time of day: Morning
23. Beach or Forest: Forest
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: Never. I'mma good driver!
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: One of those crazy Japanese games shows...like MXC or something. It would be a perfect opportunity to show the world how "pretty" I am.
26. Do you doodle during class?: Sadly, yes. But I am NOT a good drawer!
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: Right.
28. How do you eat your cookies?: Raw
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: Italy or Ireland
30. You are New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan?: Aluminum Foil, a Duck, and some Christmas Lights.
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?: In Japan
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?: Tee Hee!
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock?: Rarely
34. What is your best friend's Mom’s name?: Barbara
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: Yes. And I was referred to as "Hopey Dopey"
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: Yes. And yes, I still go and act like a five year old. It is wonderful!
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: Tuna MELT!!!
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: MetroMint Water
39. Innie or Outie?: Innie.
40. Google or Yahoo: Google for search, Yahoo for email.
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
This is Hope. She is another one of the first years that I have collected this year. She plays oboe and, if I'm being completely honest, she could be my sister. So could Harmony. If only my name started with an "H" and was all uplifting and hopeful. Then we could be the three adorable Scandinavian sisters. :D
1. Full Name: Hope Alayna Bales
2. Nickname: Hopey, Ree-Ree, H-Dizzle, Munchkin, Schnitzle-face
3. Age: Almost 19!
4. Favorite Color: Purple
5. Where were you born?: Tacoma
6. One guilty pleasure: Books
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others: Dance like a crazy
8. Something you are terrified of: Falling
9. What is your bedtime routine?: Shower, Jammies!, (Sometimes read), Bed!
10. What is your strangest talent?: I'm an oboe player...derp! (or handbells...whatever you want)
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: Jump out the window using my ninja skills and parachute to safety. There should be unicorns involved in there somewhere...
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: 6 months, 36 days, 4 hours, 27 minutes, 58 1/2 seconds ago.
13. Which shoe do you put on first?: The awesome one. (aka Right)
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: Yes indeed!
15. Favorite kind of pizza: Combo
16. Do you wear a watch?: Yes. I am incomplete without it.
17. What were you doing last week at this time?: IDK...my BFF Jill?
18. Do you collect anything?: Souls. Yep.
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1819346999489&set=a.1246033187002.39995.1114561229&theater
20. Scrunch or fold: Wait a minute...are we folding/scrunching paper? Oboe reeds? String cheese?
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: Eating Pudding. With Japanese children. And capes...there will be capes. And a green tunic.
22. Your favorite time of day: Morning
23. Beach or Forest: Forest
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: Never. I'mma good driver!
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: One of those crazy Japanese games shows...like MXC or something. It would be a perfect opportunity to show the world how "pretty" I am.
26. Do you doodle during class?: Sadly, yes. But I am NOT a good drawer!
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: Right.
28. How do you eat your cookies?: Raw
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: Italy or Ireland
30. You are New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan?: Aluminum Foil, a Duck, and some Christmas Lights.
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?: In Japan
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?: Tee Hee!
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock?: Rarely
34. What is your best friend's Mom’s name?: Barbara
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: Yes. And I was referred to as "Hopey Dopey"
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: Yes. And yes, I still go and act like a five year old. It is wonderful!
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: Tuna MELT!!!
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: MetroMint Water
39. Innie or Outie?: Innie.
40. Google or Yahoo: Google for search, Yahoo for email.
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
This is Gina! She is another one of my little friends. She is just so tiny and cute. I love her. I didn't actually take this picture but we're going to New York together in twenty four days so I will be taking lots of pictures with her then so I'll make up for it! :D
1. Full Name: Giovanna Sabia
2. Nickname: Gina
3. Age: 19
4. Favorite Color: Pink
5. Where were you born?: Topeka, Kansas
6. One guilty pleasure: Jesse McCartney
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others: lol..dance around the room
8. Something you are terrified of: spiders
9. What is your bedtime routine?: PJs! Brush teeth, bed
10. What is your strangest talent?: I make funny faces
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: um..hide the recipe in my bra and keep walking
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: um..never
13. Which shoe do you put on first?:right
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: yep
15. Favorite kind of pizza: Hawaiian
16. Do you wear a watch?: nope
17. What were you doing last week at this time?: sleeping
18. Do you collect anything?: pigs!
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it: pigs
20. Scrunch or fold: scrunch
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: I am wearing a pink mini and a white button up blouse. My secret powers are that I can make people explode by blinking and can communicate with selective telepathy. Um. My transformation process includes going out of sight and clicking my heels together 5 times
22. Your favorite time of day: sleep time
23. Beach or Forest: um no. Hotel please
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: never
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: OMG I would be in One tree Hill because I love it and I feel like it is just dramatic enough to be my life
26. Do you doodle during class?: oh hell yes
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: the right
28. How do you eat your cookies?: I eat them! Usually with milk
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: Italy.
30. You are New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan?: lipgloss, a pushup bra, and some really really high heels
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?: oh yea
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? no
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock? sometimes
34. What is your best friends Mom’s name?: Shannen
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: yea and it was a creepy one about plucking a peach from a tree
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: yes and I hated it
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: PB & J
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: ice cream
39. Innie or Outie?: innie
40. Google or Yahoo: Google
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
This is Gina! She is another one of my little friends. She is just so tiny and cute. I love her. I didn't actually take this picture but we're going to New York together in twenty four days so I will be taking lots of pictures with her then so I'll make up for it! :D
1. Full Name: Giovanna Sabia
2. Nickname: Gina
3. Age: 19
4. Favorite Color: Pink
5. Where were you born?: Topeka, Kansas
6. One guilty pleasure: Jesse McCartney
7. Name something you do when you’re alone that you wouldn’t do in front of others: lol..dance around the room
8. Something you are terrified of: spiders
9. What is your bedtime routine?: PJs! Brush teeth, bed
10. What is your strangest talent?: I make funny faces
11. You have infiltrated Panda Express Headquarters in order to procure their secret recipes. While making your exit, you are spotted by the security guards. What is your plan of action?: um..hide the recipe in my bra and keep walking
12. When was the last time you played air guitar?: um..never
13. Which shoe do you put on first?:right
14. Are you wearing socks right now?: yep
15. Favorite kind of pizza: Hawaiian
16. Do you wear a watch?: nope
17. What were you doing last week at this time?: sleeping
18. Do you collect anything?: pigs!
19. Something that makes you happy every time you see it: pigs
20. Scrunch or fold: scrunch
21. You are the hero of a Japanese television show. What are you wearing, what are your secret powers and describe your magical transformation process?: I am wearing a pink mini and a white button up blouse. My secret powers are that I can make people explode by blinking and can communicate with selective telepathy. Um. My transformation process includes going out of sight and clicking my heels together 5 times
22. Your favorite time of day: sleep time
23. Beach or Forest: um no. Hotel please
24. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over: never
25. If you could be in any television show or movie, what would it be and why?: OMG I would be in One tree Hill because I love it and I feel like it is just dramatic enough to be my life
26. Do you doodle during class?: oh hell yes
27. At the movie theatre which arm rest is yours?: the right
28. How do you eat your cookies?: I eat them! Usually with milk
29. If you could only go abroad to one country, where would you go?: Italy.
30. You are New York Fashion Week and have been hired by Armani to infiltrate Michael Kors’ runway show. What materials will you need to execute your plan?: lipgloss, a pushup bra, and some really really high heels
31. Have you ever ridden in a taxi cab?: oh yea
32. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? no
33. Do you use the snooze button on your alarm clock? sometimes
34. What is your best friends Mom’s name?: Shannen
35. Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?: yea and it was a creepy one about plucking a peach from a tree
36. Did you go to summer camp as a child?: yes and I hated it
37. If you knew you were going to be on a desert island, what kind of sandwich would you bring?: PB & J
38. What is your favorite thing to buy at OMM?: ice cream
39. Innie or Outie?: innie
40. Google or Yahoo: Google
Kelsey Page
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34
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