Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Monday: Rusty Pup


This little cutie pie is Rusty.

He is my cousin's five month old Golden Retriever puppy. He is such a sweetie. He's super mellow (unless he's meeting you for the first time and then he gets so excited he pees. A LOT.) and he doesn't bark much according to my aunt. He is just a happy puppy.

Seeing him and interacting with him he completely bowled me over as I was trying to take a decent picture of him it made me realize that I want a dog badly. I love dogs. I've had cats all of my life and I love them too. I'm going to have cats at some point in my life. But I also really want a dog.

There's a good chance I'm going to be living on my own pretty soon and I'll want some sort of companionship. If I get a dog I'll have that feeling of being guarded and I may feel safer. But realistically, if I want to get a pet right out of college, I'll need to get a cat. I'll be super busy so I won't be able to be at home to give the dog the companionship he or she will need. Cats are pretty self reliant though.

I even have some names picked out. Pascal, Rose, or Tink for a cat. And I will have a Malamute who's name will be Mo. I've known that for some time. :)

Kelsey Page
Did I Go To The Gym Today?:  Nope. But I practiced so much I was late for class.
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6: 33-34

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